Spine Care

5 steps to get rid
of lower back pain


My grandmother always instructed me to correct my posture whenever I picked up some heavy stuff off the ground in my teens. I would not like that nag at all. I used to think, why should posture matter? Now at 40, I realize it does matter, as the wrong postures can cause lower back pain.

Revealing facts

In India, low back pain (LBP) occurrence is high, with nearly 60% - 80% of individuals having significant back pain at some or other time. One of the most common omicron symptoms is lower back pain.

Align your spine. Remove Back pain

How to get rid of lower back pain

Simple things, if done correctly, relieve lower back pain and reduce visits to doctors or hospitalization. Here we shall consider five of them.

5 steps to get rid of lower back pain



Sit on a therapy ball.

Get rid of lower back pain with therapy ball

Instead of slouching on a sofa, sit on a therapy ball between your office or household work. The therapy ball is an exercise treatment option for back pain problems. It prevents or reduces further episodes of low back pain as an integral part of a rehabilitation program.

Correct your posture with controlled movements

Good posture with movements in breaks makes all the difference in avoiding the problem and healing chronic pain. While standing, keep your head up-high (without straining the neck), shoulders straight and relaxed, not curved inward to your chest, chest forward, weight equally balanced on both feet, and it is significant to keep your hips tucked in.

Motion gives lotion to your back: Controlled movements or stretches relieve your back from continued stiffness due to one posture.

Identify your poor long habit and correct it with awareness: Be aware of your posture and it is the beauty of the body as it automatically corrects itself. At home, the moment I pull my back and sit straight, my son will also sit straight. 

If you think you might have to stand for a long time, prefer carrying a portable stool or chair. Avoid standing in the same position for too long. Balance your weight on both feet equally.

Adjust your work table. Keep in mind the comfort of the lower back.

wrong sitting posture leads to lower back pain

Sit on a chair with the lower back (where the spine starts) touching the back of the chair. You may sit with back support (cushion or rolled-up towel) and assemble it at the curve of your back. Remember to keep your feet flat on the ground or adjust the height with a stool or footrest. Do not cross your legs for a long time. Keep hips and knees at a right angle. Preferably your seat breadth should touch you under the knee.

Sleep on your sides and sometimes on your back. While sleeping on the sides, let your heels and toe of both feet touch each other. Slightly bend your knees. One hand rests sidewards on the hip, and the other hand's bent elbow placed near the pillow.

Practice Ayurveda

Is the back pain related to chronic constipation or a disease like Sandhigata Vata (osteoarthritis) or endometriosis? Nidana Parivarjana involves addressing the root cause. Knowing the prakriti (body constitution) and vikrati, you can prevent or soothe lower back pain. 

Abhyanga (self-massage) with oils (Mahanarayana, Karpooradi, Murivenna, Kottamchukadi or Dhanwantharam) is effective for managing lower back pain caused due to vata imbalance.

Pouring of medicated preparation or royal bath are highly effective treatments.

Yogic stretches to strengthen back muscles

Padma Sadhna is a sufficient dose of lower back pain exercises (stretches) to strengthen your complete back muscles and relieve your pain. The practice of Marjariasana (Cat stretch), Shishu asana (Child’s pose), Bhujangasana (Cobra pose), Happy baby pose (Ananda Balasan), Hasta Padasana (Standing forward bend), Pashchimottanasana (Seated forward bend), and Uttanasana benefit the lower back. These cover all directional back stretches.


5 steps to get rid of lower back pain

For better digestion, meditate with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and get rid of the vata imbalance causing lower back pain. Start the meditation here.

To sum it up 

You can't change your lifestyle completely, but you can surely invest time in the little things to integrate the vertebra sequence of your lower back.


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Based on inputs by Pooja Venugopal, Faculty, Sri Sri Yoga

Written by: Pratibha Sharma

Reference link 

Prevalence and Risk Factors for Low Back Pain in 1,355 Young Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study

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