What will I get from the workshop?

Boost immunity and health

Discover effective techniques to reduce the risk of heart disease, boost the immune function & overall energy levels.

Ability to manage your mind

Deal with external situation and your own thoughts and emotions with awareness and wisdom.

Relieve stress, anxiety & depression

Learn research-backed ways to reduce stress, relieve anxiety & relax even amidst challenges.

Increased stamina

Overcome fatigue and experience more energy and stamina to do all that you set out for the day.

Why is Sudarshan KriyaTM the most powerful breathing technique?


Our breath connects the body and the mind. It holds the secret to a stress-free and fulfilling life. The core of this workshop is the Sudarshan KriyaTM, the most powerful breathing technique that can transform your life. -Video

What does science say about Sudarshan KriyaTM?

Over 100 independent studies globally published in peer review journals have demonstrated benefits from the practice of the Sudarshan kriyaTM and related breathing exercises:

Immune cell count

INCREASE in lymphocytes in 6 weeks &
remained in the normal range

Stress hormone

REDUCTION in serum cortisol in 2 weeks

Life satisfaction

INCREASE within 1 week

Legacy of 40 years

Meet the founder & inspiration

"My vision and mission is to see a smile on every individual’s face,” says Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, global humanitarian and spiritual leader.

Gurudev has spearheaded an unprecedented worldwide movement for a stress-free, violence-free society. It all began in 1982 when he cognized the Sudarshan Kriya™ after a ten-day silence period. The technique remains a centerpiece of all programs of the Art of Living.

Through a myriad of programs, teachings, and social service projects across 180 countries, Gurudev has empowered and transformed the lives of millions. Recognized globally as an impactful mediator, Gurudev has played a pivotal role in restoring peace in several conflict zones. His body of work is a testimony to his vision of a stress-free and violence-free society.

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Online Meditation & Breath Workshop

4-day-workshop (2-hours/day)

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