
9 practical tips to
overcome depression

Are you being weighed down by emotions like sadness, depression and anxiety? Is it becoming increasingly difficult to get out of bed? In short, are you a victim of depression? If so, then you might also be looking for solutions to break free from depression. How to overcome depression? It’s possible and not too difficult.

But before that, let us know more about depression. 


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What is depression? Facts about depression

  • Depression is a common medical illness. 
  • Depression is treatable.
  • General medical causes can show depression-like symptoms too.
  • On average, depression starts showing signs in the late teens to mid-20s. 
  • More women experience depression than men. Factors such as hormonal differences, societal and cultural expectations may all play a role.
  • Sadness, grief or bereavement are different from depression.
  • Both sadness and depression involve intense pain and withdrawal from activities.
  • But in grief or sadness, painful feelings are often mixed with positive memories. 
  • In grief, self-esteem is usually maintained while in depression, feeling worthless and self-loathing is common.

4 crucial factors: Causes of depression

  • Biochemistry: Differences in certain brain chemicals may manifest symptoms of depression.
  • Genetics: Depression can run in families. 
  • Personality: People with low self-esteem, who are easily overwhelmed by stress or are generally pessimistic, appear to be more likely to experience depression.
  • Environmental factors: Continuous exposure to violence, neglect, abuse or poverty may make some people more vulnerable to depression.

What are the symptoms of depression:

  • Feeling sad, feeling low
  • Lack of interest in activities once enjoyed
  • Weight loss or gain
  • Insomnia, less sleep or oversleeping
  • Fatigue, unnecessary activity like pacing, tapping feet, hand-wringing 
  • Slower movements and speech  
  • Feeling worthlessness, guilty
  • Difficulty in processing things, thinking, focusing or making decisions 
  • Suicidal thoughts or thoughts related to death

9 beneficial steps to move away from depression

Remember, your feelings are valid. But, don’t label yourself. Being aware is an important step. Here are the nine steps on how to overcome depression.

1. Dream big

dream big

Having big, seemingly impossible dreams and actively working towards them can help prevent depression. Many of the things we see around us today were once just imagined and even ridiculed, but eventually became a reality through persistent effort and belief.

2. Call your confidants and share

Keep a few people in the know of your life’s happenings. Anytime you feel you’re hitting a low and feeling sad, call them. Studies show that sharing plays an important role in keeping mental health intact. 

3. Chant mantras

Scientific studies have found that mantra chanting can help ease stress, anxiety, and depressive symptoms. Chanting or listening to mantras can affect us and our surroundings, uplifting our energy levels instantly. For beginners, mantras like Om Namah Shivaya or Om Namo Narayanaya, or Om Shri Gurvaye Namah can be used easily. Start your mantra chanting with this detailed read.

4. Sudarshan Kriya: a powerful antidote to depression

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says, “Our body has three levels: gross, subtle, and causal. When we're happy, we feel an expansion, and when we're sad, we feel like something is crushing us. This is our pranic body. When the subtle body becomes smaller, it feels like we're wearing a tight jacket. To strengthen the subtle body, we need to practice pranayama.”

Sudarshan Kriya is a dynamic breathing technique that consists of a perfect rhythm that incorporates ancient breathing techniques in a dynamic pattern.

“If you find anyone depressed, make sure you reach out and push them into doing Sudarshan Kriya, yoga and meditation.” - Gurudev

Over 65 independent studies demonstrate the numerous health benefits of the combination of pranayamas and Sudarshan Kriya.

Psychology Today has referred to Sudarshan Kriya as "an incredible alternative to mindfulness you never heard of.” 

Anup Sharma, a research fellow at University of Pennsylvania conducted a study on those who did not even respond to antidepressants. The people who had shown an inadequate response to standard antidepressants and received an adjunctive intervention of Sudarshan Kriya showed significant improvement in depressive and anxious symptoms. Beyond symptom relief, the intervention had a high completion rate without adverse events.

“Sudarshan Kriya yoga gives people an active method to experience a deep meditative state that’s easy to learn and incorporate in diverse settings.”

 - Anup Sharma, research fellow at University of Pennsylvania, who led this study.

In another eye-opening instance, the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS), presented a study result stating that Sudarshan Kriya and accompanying breathing techniques demonstrated a 68-73% success rate in treating people suffering from depression, regardless of the severity.

5. Close your eyes, let go with meditation

Meditation has emerged as one of the most effective antidotes to depression in recent times. A vast body of research now admits that meditation can affect one’s neural network to produce a sense of well-being and happiness, by increasing our energy level.

“Meditation gives deep rest in the shortest time. It helps overcome depression and keeps a check on aggression that arises from stress or circumstances.” - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

A study published in the journal Consciousness and Cognition states clearly that meditation helps people cope with anger starting from the very first session. Additionally, research published in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience highlights the many positive effects of meditation on our emotional well being.

6. Yoga restores mind-body harmony 

Several research papers support the use of yoga to reduce depression or depressive symptoms. Regular practice of Yoga has shown improved overall well being in its practitioners. A recent pilot study showed that yoga is also a ‘promising treatment’ to treat depression. In fact, this study states that the initial indications are of potentially beneficial effects of yoga interventions on depressive disorders.

“Yoga is to realize that your mind is dynamic, your life is dynamic. Depression is a sign of static understanding about life. When you feel everything in life is dead, static, there is nothing more, nowhere to go, that is when one gets depressed.” - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

7. Go back to Mother Nature & relax

Just like how a troubled person finds solace in the presence of their mother, a troubled mind can find solace in the lap of Mother Nature.

Start gardening or take a simple walk in nature, in the parks. Do whatever is convenient for you in your given environment. Researchers in Canada and the US have examined how nature walks can have a noticeable impact on cognition and mood in people with major depression. The study found that a walk close to nature may provide cognitive benefits.

8. Express yourself

More often it is lack of expression that leads to a drop in your mental health levels. Expressing oneself, if not daily, then regularly can help bring out those emotions. Being creative in whatever you are good at can bring relief and release from negative tendencies. Remember as a child, what did you like doing the most: paint, sing, dance, draw, craft? Revisit these different forms of creativity and let your expression find a way through them. 

9. Make selfless service a part of your lifestyle

There are many who need help out there. When we reach out to help others, not only do we become happier, but also become stronger in dealing with our problems. This study shows that altruistic behavior accelerates joy and happiness.

Gurudev says, “To avoid depression, tap into the internal source of happiness, rather than relying on external factors such as people, things or place. Change the perspective from expecting happiness to giving it, and focus on experiencing life differently.”

Reach out to us

The Art of Living’s many programs, breathing technique Sudarshan Kriya, pranayamas, yoga have helped millions from across the globe. The teachings of Gurudev and his insights on life have had a powerful transformative effect on millions. Reach out to us anytime you feel low and we will be happy to guide you.

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+91 80676 12338 (9 AM to 9 PM IST)

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**Facts and other details on depression are from articles ‘What is depression’ and ‘Expert answer on clinical depression’.

Based on knowledge talks by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Inputs from Dr. Divya Kanchibotla, Executive Director, Sri Sri Institute for Advanced Research

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