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  1. Causes of Neck Pain in Professionals

    Spending too many hours hunched over a computer or a smartphone often triggers muscle strains. As with other joints in the body, neck joints tend to wear with age. Nerve compression can be one reason for neck pain and injuries can be the other. The above- ...
  2. How to deal with FOMO

    How often have you logged out of your social media accounts feeling dissatisfied, stressed, or depressed? If your answer is quite often, you are not alone. Studies suggest a high percentage of social media users experience reduced mental well-being. One o ...
  3. Know everything about blood donation

    Blood donation is not just a sacred service to patients in dire need of blood but also brings health benefits to the donor. From your emotional well-being to lowering your cholesterol levels, blood donation does it all. For every donation, about three liv ...
  4. 5 Smoothies to boost heart health

    Driven away by the choices of our tongues, we often crave tasty food and drinks. Food that may be low in nutritional value but high in preference. And sometimes dwelling on this kind of diet ruins our hearts. It’s time to shift our focus to a healthy hear ...
  5. 7 Ways to overcome Adjustment disorders

      “Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom”-Soren Kierkegaard We often get caught up with normalcy. Anything that is not normal becomes a concern. Reacting unusually, overstressing, overthinking, etc., all fall under that category. The reason is not just theo ...
  6. World Diabetes Day: How to control diabetes with breathing

    Did you know that breathing exercises are not just good for the lungs and calming the mind but also play a significant role in healing diseases? Studies show the role of diaphragmatic breathing in reducing BMI and blood glucose levels in type-2 diabetes. ...
  7. Fruits and Nutrition

    In a botanical sense, fruits are the sweet, fleshy, edible parts of a plant. They generally contain seeds. Apricots, bananas, grapes as well as bean pods, corn grains, tomatoes, cucumbers and almonds are all technically fruits. Fruits are usually eaten ra ...
  8. Does stress cause diabetes?

    One of the largest world health emergencies is diabetes and India ranks in the top ten countries with the highest number of cases. The cause of diabetes could be hereditary, a sedentary lifestyle, an unbalanced diet, stress, anxiety, or other concerns. It ...
  9. How can you focus your inattentive mind

    Dr. Prema Seshadri, Psychologist & Senior International Faculty, Sahaj Samadhi Dhyan Yoga guides us and helps us with answers on how to focus our inattentive mind. Q. What do you focus on effortlessly? Dr. Prema elaborated that people focus effortless ...
  10. 4 simple ways to practice self-love

    Self-love is accepting yourself and treating yourself with kindness and self-respect. In other words, treating yourself the way you would treat your best friend. However, self-love is a bit difficult to practice when so many things in our lives, especiall ...