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  1. When the small intestine decided to do a victory dance

    Meera (18 years) “I got stomach pain Don’t matter sun or rain Thought that it went away Uh-oh, here it come again.” We were just song shuffling on a popular music app when Cam’Ron sang these words to me. His song, ‘I.B.S,’ might have been released in 2006 ...
  2. How to stop feeling tired

    Why am I always tired? As our worlds become busier, our bodies and minds give into constant fatigue and poor health. Long commuting hours, 9-to-9 jobs, continuous use of social media and a demanding life, in general, have made a sizable percentage of the ...
  3. Top 12 energizing & refreshing summer drinks to hydrate your body

    Summer is here! Sunshine is here! Vitamin D in the most natural form for the taking! You can smell the beach air and hear the sound of the children gleefully playing and shouting in the park. Delightful sights and sounds that bring back those gloriously h ...
  4. What is Brahma Muhurta and benefits of waking up

    What is Brahma Muhurta? Every day at 4:30 am my grandfather is busy waking up his favorite gods in the altar with his sacred murmurs. When he is done, he meditates and then goes for a long walk. “Aah, what a beautiful morning,” he exclaims every day after ...
  5. The Diary of a Psychologist

    This is a 5-part series by Dr. Richa Chopra. The string of articles roots itself onto a series of structured ‘Spiritual Interventions’ observed by Dr. Chopra. She is a Western-schooled Child Developmental Psychologist (Ph.D.), studying a wide range of cro ...
  6. 5 Ways to Health, Grandma Style

    Fashion trends come full circle and we often see old style statements coming into vogue again, don't we? Likewise it is time to wipe the dust off the health secrets of our grandmothers and get back to our basics. Don't worry. We won't ask y ...
  7. A love story, living within you

    Theirs is a relationship to end all relationship, a perfect one. It has understanding, love, constant communication, and they’ve even got each other’s backs. An eternal love story, so as to say, starring the brain and the gut. Here’s why: Talk to me: Comm ...
  8. Intermittent fasting benefits

    Some sights stay frozen in memories – like a vintage photograph, greying and curling along the edges. The colours might have gotten dimmer. However, the image remains untouched by time. Who knew that one such memory that most of us would have of our grand ...
  9. How to stop feeling sad

    Did you have a fight with your family? Did you fail an exam? Did you get passed over for that raise or promotion? Maybe a friend’s words broke your heart just a little? There are, literally, a million different things that could be responsible for you fee ...
  10. Healthy diet tips for working women

    What did you make for breakfast today? Stuffed parathas and curd, cut fruits and nuts. Wow! Sounds delicious and healthy. But what did you have for breakfast? Oh I had some cornflakes and milk… Does this conversation sound familiar? Ironically, in most ho ...