Spine Care

How Gadgets Cause Back Pain
and Ways to Prevent?

Let’s rewind our lives to two decades back when we were getting the hang of technological advancements. Social media accounts, gadgets, home delivery of items, and the craze to have an online presence were less, and so were lifestyle issues. Back pain has been a major health issue in these tech-savvy times. Studies suggest that adults aged 18 to 30 are increasingly complaining of back pain. 

How Gadgets can cause “tech neck” and back pain 

Smartphones, laptops, PlayStations, tablets and TVs are a big part of our lives. Gadget use is inevitable as it makes our lives easier, gives us access to quick information, and is a source of entertainment. However, they can also affect your lifestyle with severe concerns like eyesight problems, weight gain, joint problems and ofcourse back pain. A tiny smartphone can trouble your spine. The constant use of Gadgets can cause what is known as “tech neck”. Tech neck is a condition when people constantly look down on their gadgets in a slouched posture that tends to strain their neck and spine, eventually leading to chronic back pain. People today are commonly diagnosed with disc impairments, joint issues, muscle strains, and lower back issues due to incorrect positioning while using gadgets. 

Align your spine. Remove Back pain

7 Ways to prevent back pain from gadget use

  1. Know when to use and how much

Just as we preach a work-life balance, we must think about the virtual-real balance. Always being hooked to your gadgets will keep you away from real-life experiences. In fact, this habit also affects your behavior, attitude and emotions. Too much gadget use will affect your communication skills and sensitivity. Know what is needed from the gadgets, use them and be done with them. Be strict about when to use and how much to use. 

  1. Be conscious of your posture

It may be tough initially to be always conscious of your posture while using a gadget. So use tricks that could help, such as a chair that straightens the spine, sticky notes around your workplace that reminds you to sit erect, etc. You can also do some desk exercises that do not strain your back because of continuous sitting.

  1. Take Breaks

Sometimes, it might be inevitable that we have to use our gadgets for a longer period. In such a situation, take short breaks, keep your gadget aside, and do something else for a while. Take a peek at the greenery around. Look at how life is beyond the screens, do a quick fun activity, a stretch, a walk, or maybe a nap. Such breaks rejuvenate you while also relaxing your eyes from the screens and will prevent any back aches from giving you trouble.

  1. Take care of the specifications

If you have to stay on your gadgets for long, taking care of some specifications such as the right length and distance of the screen is a good practice. You can also collect some information on the kind of back support that does not strain your spine and what angle is safe while exposing your neck to the gadget screen.

  1. Resort to yoga 

Yoga is extremely relaxing for people with back pain. There are specific yoga poses for back pain such as the extended triangle pose, cat-cow pose, and the cobra pose. Since yoga makes the body flexible and strengthens the core muscles, it is an ideal exercise for chronic back pain. 

“Yoga is a study of life-the body, breath, mind, intellect, memory, and ego. Study of your inner faculties.”

-Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

  1. Other exercises

Other back pain exercises like swimming, aerobics, cycling, etc. can greatly help. Additionally, slow breathing, massage, physiotherapy, aroma therapy, or simple stretching exercises can provide back pain relief.  

  1. Meditation

Meditation relaxes the mind and body. Meditation improves our mindfulness and helps us break from the addiction of gadget involvement and takes our attention to our wellness. meditation effectively does pain management and soothes the mind by taking it away from discomfort in chronic back pain. People with back pain due to stress and anxiety feel better with meditation and mindfulness.

“Pain is inevitable but suffering is optional. That is the skill and that is what is yoga.”

-Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Do you want to break free from your constant gadget addiction or wish to manage your physical pain in a better way? Join us for a session on yoga and meditation and see a whole difference in your lifestyle.

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