
10 Effective Tips For Anxiety
and Stress Relief

“Living with anxiety is like being followed by a voice. It knows all your insecurities and uses them against you. It gets to the point when it’s the loudest voice in the room. The only one you can hear.”

Even with the pandemic scare, our hectic lives refused to slow down. We still keep pacing up to the race, competing with each other and rushing to our destinations, while holding the hands of technology and innovation. While we know it is and will be the lifestyle of this generation, there are some things we must not ignore and those are stress and anxiety. Health concerns, work troubles, family issues, financial debts, etc. are a few of the many causes of stress and anxiety. It is high time we implement ways to relieve stress and anxiety, and lead successful yet fulfilling lives. 

Stress levels are seen to vary among individuals across professions. People who experience substantive challenges on a daily basis are more prone to stress and anxiety attacks. In such instances, we all wish for a quick fix to make things normal, but most of the time fail to do so. The article will give you effective tips to attain stress relief and have a healthier lifestyle


10 Tips To Relieve Stress and Anxiety

  1. Give Your Health a Chance

What’s the point of earning loads of money if you have to spend it all on your health? All the business books you pursue, the news updates, and current affairs keep your mind ahead of others. What about peace of mind? It’s crucial you understand the importance of your physical and emotional well-being. Yoga, meditation, and core body exercises are great ways to rejuvenate your senses and give your mind and body a perfect balance to face life’s challenges.

There are Specific yoga poses (asanas) that can help relieve stress quickly by making you conscious of your breathing.

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  2. Share and Care

Studies show that sharing life’s troubles could keep a check on your stress and anxiety levels. We are aware of the surging rate of suicides in the world and cannot overlook the statistics. Sharing provides an outlet for our negative emotions and it feels good thereafter. You can also find amazing ways to relieve stress and anxiety by giving back to society and caring for people. Volunteering in an NGO, or a support group could make a big difference in your and in other’s lives. You can also join a club for any event that excites you, like the writers club, sports club, etc.

  3. Check Your Diet

How many times do you stress-eat? Do you ever cheat on your diet? Do you have some favorite cravings? We become what we put inside our bodies; hence it’s crucial to eat mindfully. Switch to organic food and substitute sweet cravings with natural sweeteners like dates and cherries. Understand how your body reacts to different kinds of food and learn to eat right. A balanced diet controls our mind and body, reducing stress and anxiety.

  4. Sleep Tight

Resting the brain is as important as exercising. A sound sleep is like a brain exercise that freshens the brain and keeps it ready for the next day. So to relieve stress quickly, you must put a good routine in place that lets you sleep for at least six to eight hours a day. Say no to mobile phones or excessive light right before you sleep. Proper sleep releases happy hormones to the brain and prepares your mind for the challenges ahead.

  5. Question Your Cravings

With literally no discipline in our work schedules, many of us have given in to unnecessary cups of coffee and tea. Most of us are so addicted that we cannot start the day without a cup of coffee. While I do not object to the idea of having a cup of your favorite beverage, what concerns me is the addiction. Be mindful of how dependent you are on that tiny cup for your day’s productivity. Studies have also shown that excess caffeine makes people anxious and causes stress. So now that you know, understand if you are simply craving for the addiction or if there is some actual benefit of that tiny cup?

  6. Leave What You Can’t Take

It’s really crucial to establish boundaries in every sphere of life, be it work or personal. Learn to say no when you feel you are being burdened with excess responsibilities. But before that, assess what you can do and how much you can stretch for yourself and others. When you learn to respect your priorities, people do the same, and that is one of the primary steps to relieve stress and anxiety.

  7. Be Proactive

There could be many reasons for procrastination but learn to work your way around it. Prepare a list of things you need to do on priority and complete them. If you wish to relieve stress and anxiety, understand the benefits of working proactively. Also, learn the significance of breaks between switching tasks.

  8. Switch to ‘Nature’ Mode

The best way to relieve stress quickly is to sit amidst nature. Going out, wandering amidst plants and trees, and gazing at God’s creation generates a sense of relaxation in our minds and soul. If possible, sign up for a marathon, camping, hiking, or mountaineering trip to take a break from all the chaos and spend some time in nature. As you do that, the adrenaline rush gives you the much-needed kick to achieve life’s goals and makes you conscious.

  9. Sudarshan Kriya and Meditation

Stress and anxiety agitate us. Simple breathing techniques like Sudarshan Kriya and meditation can make a huge difference. Do you know how Sudarshan Kriya can bring you instant relief from anxiety and help manage your stress? This cyclical breathing technique improves awareness in your mind, enhances your personality and outlook toward life. 

  10. Picture Happiness

The art of meditation also enables you to picture happiness by traveling to a happy place in your mind. You can practice it by listening to someone’s story or simply by imagining yourself being at your favorite vacation (beach or mountains). Listen to the sound of waves, and the ruffling of leaves and experience the joy of being able to do so. Experts point out that imagination could actually help to relieve stress and anxiety while exposing the creative side of your brain. It also helps you cope with your past troubles and future worries and become more aware of your gifted present.


Even though the article picks out some effective strategies for anxiety and stress relief, it is incorrect to preach that we can make it all go away. Stress is inevitable and can creep up at any point in our life. How we react to it, bar it with gratitude and self-awareness,  is what makes our lives worthy of living.

So, how do you deal with stress and anxiety?


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