
Vajrasana Benefits
& How to Do it

What is Vajrasana?

Vajra’ means diamond-shaped or thunderbolt; ‘asana’ means posture or pose. Vajrasana has been named after the shape it takes – a diamond or thunderbolt. 

This asana is pronounced as vahj-RAH-sah-na.

If there is one holistic pose that you can slip into easily, and still gain a variety of benefits, it is the Vajrasana, the Adamantine Pose.


How to do Vajrasana


  • Sit with your legs stretched straight in front of you.
  • Now, fold both the legs and sit in a kneeling position. Keep the hips on the heels; the toes should point out behind you, and your big toes should touch each other at the back.
  • If you are a beginner, you may want to keep a cushion under your feet for comfort to prevent ankle pain.
  • You can also choose to keep a cushion or blanket above the feet and below the knees, in case of knee pain. Don’t forget to consult your doctor in case of some special medical conditions.
  • Sit comfortably on the pit formed by the parted heels.
  • Keep your head, neck, and spine in a straight line. Place your palms on your thighs, facing upwards.
  • If you are an advanced yoga practitioner, hold this pose for about 15 minutes, while taking long and deep breaths. Beginners may start with about 30 seconds, according to their comfort level. 
  • Exhale and relax. 
  • Straighten your legs.


Vajrasana - Kneeling Pose

 Benefits of Vajrasana

  1. Enhances blood circulation in the lower abdomen, improving digestion.
  2. Relieves excessive gas and pain in the stomach region.
  3. Strengthens the nerves of legs and thighs. 
  4. Makes knees and ankle joints flexible, preventing certain rheumatic diseases.
  5. Keeps the neck and spine aligned and erect, without much effort, enabling easy energy flow in the nadis (energy channels) in the back.
  6. Relaxes the waist and hip region, providing relief during menstrual pain.
  7. Acts as a base posture for the practice of pranayamas, as well as a preparatory pose for meditation.
  8. Helps in relieving back pain



    Who should consult the doctor before practicing?

    Some physical conditions put restrictions on us. In the following cases, people should consult their doctors before doing Vajrasana.

    • Those who have acute trouble or stiffness in foot, ankle, and knees.
    • Those with a slipped disc. 
    • Those who have difficulty in the movement of limbs must take great care.

    Unique elements of Vajrasana

    • This is the only yoga asana you can do after eating. If you sit in Vajrasana after your meals, food gets digested well.
    • This asana reduces the flow of blood to the lower regions, increasing circulation to the upper parts – the digestive system, lungs, and brain.
    • The special aspect of this pose is that it is the base pose - many other asanas like Gomukhasana, Ustrasana, and Shishuasana begin. One can also sit in Vajrasana while doing pranayamas. And yet, it is beneficial to simply sit in this posture as well!

    Modifications and variations

    To modify: If sitting directly on your heels is too difficult, place a pillow or cushion in between your thighs and heels. Release the legs early if the pose cuts off blood flow to the lower extremities. 

    To increase the challenge: Flex your toes when sitting on your heels in this yoga posture. Doing so creates a deep toe stretch.

    Combine your yoga practice with simple meditation and pranayama taught in The Art of Living Meditation and Breath Workshop to get the best health benefits.

    Preparatory poses and follow up poses to Vajrasana

    Sukhasana (Preparatory)
    Pawanmuktasana (Preparatory) 
    Shishuasana (Preparatory)
    Paschimottanasana (Follow up)
    Baddhakonasana (Follow Up)

    View All - Sitting yoga asanas that can energize & relax

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    Written with inputs from Pramod Timsinaa, Faculty, Sri Sri School of Yoga

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