
10 ways to motivate yourself to practice Yoga every day

Vanditaa Kothari Posted: 28th of Jun 2022

Practicing Yoga every day is one habit that can change your life. It can make you calmer, healthier, more productive, and happier. But like any other good habit, it takes time to build up. Like any other plan, you are likely to postpone your Yoga plans. Additionally, your hectic schedule and general laziness most probably impede your willpower to follow a consistent Yoga practice. In such a scenario, how do you motivate yourself to practice Yoga daily? Let us find out.

  1. Start with a fixed number of days

Promise yourself to practice Yoga for a set number of days, say a week. If you miss a day in between, don’t worry; just begin again. When you complete the fixed number of days, promise yourself a longer period and start again. Gradually, keep increasing the days until it becomes a well-established habit.

  1. Join a Yoga class

Join a Yoga class

A Yoga class is a great way to ensure you follow through with your routine for the committed number of days. A Yoga instructor also helps you practice your poses correctly. You can choose to join a monthly Sri Sri Yoga class for a great experience.

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  1. Create positive links with your Yoga practice

Create positive links with your Yoga practice

Make your Yoga practice an exciting project. Pick nice comfortable Yoga wear, pick background music for your practice, and occasionally plan a Yoga practice in a soothing place alongside nature. With these few steps, you will create a positive link with your Yoga practice.

  1. Reward yourself 

When you complete your promised number of days, reward yourself - with a new dress, a spa session, or a movie with friends. Rewarding yourself establishes a link between your Yoga practice and the release of dopamine, the pleasure-inducing hormone. A dopamine release conditions your mind in favor of your Yoga practice.

  1. Observe your before and after session vibes

Make a note of how your body and mind feel before and after a session. When you notice a significant improvement in your state of mind and body, day after day, it becomes a source of motivation for you to continue your practice. 

  1. Remember your Yoga goal

Remember your Yoga goal Weight loss

Whenever you feel like not following through with your Yoga routine, just remember why you started it in the first place. Weight loss, pain management, improved organ function, glowing skin - your reason could be any. Yoga can help you achieve your health goals, provided you are regular with your practice. 

  1. Track your progress

Track your progress

Track your progress while following your routine. Decide on a few parameters that can help you track your progress and measure them after every fixed period of practice. That will motivate you to continue your practice with more enthusiasm.

  1. Practice with a group

A motivating and enthusiastic company is always handy whenever you feel short on them.

When you practice in a group, you experience greater zeal and energy. If you feel like dropping off in the middle, your group members encourage you not to give up just yet. 

  1. Nurture an interest in Yoga

When you like a subject, you want to explore more of it. Liking a practice or subject makes it a bit easier for you to commit to it. You can read more about Yoga, its philosophy and history, to know more about it.

  1. Become a Yoga teacher

Become a Yoga teacher

Train to become a professional Yoga instructor. That will nurture your interest in Yoga and set you in a Yoga routine and lifestyle for a few days. When you take courses after becoming a teacher, you will naturally practice Yoga every day or more regularly. In fact, you will be paid to practice Yoga!

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