
Expanding Horizons

buddhi-yukto jahātīha ubhe sukṛita-duṣhkṛite
tasmād yogāya yujyasva yogaḥ karmasu kauśhalam

Endowed with wisdom of Equanimity, transcending the opposites – good and bad actions, dedicate yourself to Yoga, for, truly, yoga is skill in action’, says Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita.

Caught in the dynamism of today’s world, every individual seems to be steeped in a lot of responsibilities at work, home and beyond. It may seem overwhelming, when there is a lot to do within a short span of time; despite the thrills and joys that come along with it.

But what is important to know is that solutions open up when there is a slight shift in the paradigm. When we focus within and align with the core of our self, the infinite source of energy, creativity and innovation dawns and all answers emerge. It puts us in touch with our limitless potential and endless joy.

Beyond the body is the mind; Beyond the mind is the intellect. When the intellect is strong, it overcomes the impact of the mind. And we eventually move towards the core of our existence - the Self, that opens us to expanded horizons.

Yoga is thus, skill in action, which brings alignment with the laws of Nature; the relevance of which is undeniable across the globe, across cultures and traditions, making it universally accepted.  

“Joy is deep within us. Keeping the mind like a clean mirror; Unfazed by events, which are impermanent, is Yoga.”

-Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar

Our teachers spread the joy of yoga to millions of people across the world, through a range of yoga programs offered on an experiential level.

Promises for holistic well-being:

  • Better health and flexibility
  • Alleviates stress and boosts immunity
  • Increased self-awareness
  • Self-healing – helps build a positive mindset
  • Increased attention, focus and concentration

Some key aspects of our programs

Yogic Cleansing (Images are indicative – Please design on similar lines or we could have images of our practitioners doing these techniques)

Pranayams and Asanas (Image of our practitioners)

Subtle Strengthening and Healing Contractions (SSAHC) (Image from any of our SSAHC sessions)

At the first ever International Day of Yoga, Gurudev said:

Yoga is not just physical exercise or asanas. Yoga is a complete science. It unites the body, mind, spirit and the universe. Yoga brings that much needed peace in every individual. It also makes a big difference in one’s behaviour, thought patterns and attitude. I would say yoga is almost indispensable. If you want to be sane, sensitive, sensible, strong and intuitive, you have to follow yoga.

Vismaya Yoga Bhumika – Astonishment is the preface of Yoga             

How does yoga improve awareness?

The human mind is constantly involved in activity – swinging from the past to the future – but rarely stays in the present. By simply being aware of this tendency of the mind, we can actually save ourselves from getting stressed or worked up and relax the mind. Yoga and pranayama help create this awareness and brings the mind back to the present moment, where it can stay happy and focused.

Why Sri Sri Yoga classes when I can learn yoga on TV or from books?

Kamlesh Barwal, a director at Sri Sri School of Yoga says, 

All the information is on the internet. All you need to do is Google search and Yahoo search and you get all your answers. That does not mean you do not go to schools anymore, right? Similarly, you can read in books how to do a yoga posture correctly, how to breathe in or how to breathe out, but books cannot give you that experience of union that yoga truly offers. A Master is very important in our lives. A Master is one who will convert all that information into live experiences. Experiential knowledge can only come from the Guru; someone who has already trod the path, a genuine guide. 


So, experience the uniqueness and wonder of yoga through Sri Sri Yoga classes, near your very homes;  and live a healthier, happier life.

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