
8 meanings of Lord Krishna
revealed by Gurudev

Was Lord Krishna more than just a divine being? What does he symbolize? What lessons has he imparted? Get a deeper understanding of Lord Krishna with these nine quotes by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.


1.The birth in which Love, Knowledge and Mischief all come together is considered as the birth of Lord Krishna. 


2. When you realize your life and the whole world is just a Leela, a play, then Krishna is born inside you!

3.Krishna means the most attractive. Divinity, the energy that pulls everything to it, is the most attractive.

4. Krishna symbolises the fullness of life. He can serve & be king; He can be a student & give knowledge in a battlefield; there is innocence in Him & He can be shrewd. Lord Krishna is an epitome of love & respect.

5. Lord Krishna signifies Ananda, pure bliss. So Janmashtami is the day when joy manifests.

6. When Sri Krishna speaks, it is the voice of Infinity. Everyone must read the Bhagavad Gita at least once a year.

7. Krishna is the embodiment of absolute joy!

8. Lord Krishna was never born & never departed. It is unique to celebrate the birth of the Unborn.

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