
8 inspirational quotes
to kickstart your day!

How you start your morning sets the mood for the rest of the day. The secret to a productive day lies in making a great start to your day. A positive morning routine definitely helps achieve this. Here are 8 inspirational quotes that will help start your day on a positive note!

1. “A commitment can only be felt when it oversteps convenience. That which is convenient, cannot be called commitment.”

Often, what is convenient does not bring comfort, but gives an illusion of comfort. Also if you are too stuck in commitment, and it is too inconvenient, too often, you are unable to fulfil your commitment and it will only generate frustration. Wisdom is to strike a balance between convenience and commitment because both bring comfort to the body, mind and spirit.


2. “Either by (making) mistakes or by doing things correctly, you cannot but learn.”

Learning is inevitable.

By doing things right you learn, and by doing things wrong, you also learn. From every situation, from everybody, you learn either what to do or what not to do.

3.“If you have a good sense of humor you can never be humiliated.”

Humor is the buffer that [saves you from humiliation]. And if you refuse to be humiliated, you become invincible. A good sense of humor relieves you from fear and anxiety.

Humor should be coupled with care and concern. Mere humor without care and concern or appropriate action often irritates those who come to you with serious problems.

4. “Relevant action keeps you stuck to the action. Irrelevant action makes life a game.”

When you are doing something very important, take a moment to do something totally irrelevant and insignificant. For example, while decorating your house, take some time to mow the lawn or go shopping. Drop whatever you are doing and do something completely irrelevant. This enhances your creativity.

5. “It is foolish to be perturbed by the foolishness.”

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What really perturbs you? Isn’t it the foolishness that goes on around you? When you are not well-founded in wisdom, then foolishness perturbs you, throws you out of balance. When you create space for foolishness, you do not get perturbed by it. Instead, you will laugh and move on. Otherwise you hate, get angry or become stressed by foolish acts.

6. “Authentic intention and skilful action make you unshakable.”

Authenticity and skilfulness appear to be contradictory, but in fact they are complementary. Your intentions need to be authentic and your actions need to be skilful. The more authentic the intention, the more skilful the action will be. Skill is required only when authenticity cannot have its way. Yet skill without authenticity makes you shallow. You cannot have an authentic action and a skilful intention. If you try to be authentic in your action but manipulative in your mind, that is when mistakes happen.

7. “The realization that life is very short brings dynamism in your life.”

Unwanted things will fall off as well as distractions. When you realize life is short, procrastination falls away. 

Wake up and see your life is too short!  Time is running, so what are you doing with your life? Is it being useful to you and the world around you?

8.“Become one whose enthusiasm never dies, come what may.”

How would you like to see yourself - happy and bubbling with enthusiasm, or dull and difficult to please?

Sometimes you like to be pleased, appeased and cajoled, so you put on a tough, upset face and act difficult to please. If a person has to appease and please ten people all the time, it is so tiring. It is okay for you to show your upset mood or tendency once in a while, but doing it repeatedly is taxing for you and the people you love.

If you feel down, appease and please yourself. Your need to be appeased by someone else is a sign of grossness. If you want attention, all you get is tension.

This is an excerpt from the book – Celebrating Silence by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

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