19 May 2016 - QA 7

How to work with those people who are negative and have a criticizing nature? Even after doing regular Kriya I am not able to deal with such people?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:

First of all, don't think that negativity is the permanent feature of some people. Nobody can be permanently negative, it is just a tendency. So be hopeful, anyone can be positive anytime. When you label people as 'negative’, your behaviour towards them will be very different. You will over-react. So, people with negative tendencies will bring more skills form within you. With a positive person, you don’t need to develop any skills, but to deal with negative people you need to have more skill. It’s wrong to say 'negative people', it is more of a 'negative situation'. So when a negative situation arises -it calls for more skill from you. So, actually you should thank them because they are making you more skilful.