
Looking for a healthy tea? Then try this all-natural lemon cinnamon tea

“I say let the world go to hell, but I should always have my tea.” — Fyodor Dostoyevsky

The Russian author has made no error in capturing the sentiments of all tea lovers with this quote. Many may differ with him, but hardcore tea drinkers can certainly feel the emotion behind the latter quip of the quote. We Indians consume several thousand tonnes of tea each year. There is nothing more exhilarating than to start the day with a steaming hot cup of milky sugary chai, which not only stimulates the taste buds, but uplifts the spirit too. 


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But the hot soulful beverage contains caffeine which makes tea addictive and even tends to have adverse effects on health when consumed in excess. You must be thinking to cut down the number of cups you drink daily or to stop it altogether?

Why not opt for a cup of healthy tea which will not only satisfy your cravings, but will also leave you with several health benefits too?

Prepared with all natural ingredients, the Ayurvedic Lemon Cinnamon Tea helps the body to heal and boosts immunity. Its benefits also include improved blood circulation. It is known to mitigate cold and cough, allergies, and sinus



Organic green tea - 1 cup 

Cinnamon stick - 1 

Lime juice - ½ teaspoon 

Raw honey - 1 teaspoon

The Ayurvedic Lemon Cinnamon Tea is good for all doshas, and specifically best for kapha dosha in the monsoon and winter.

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