
Chakrasana (Wheel Pose
or Urdhva Dhanurasana)

Wheel PoseChakrasana (CHAAH-kraa-SUN-ah) or Urdhva Dhanurasana — also called as Full-Wheel Pose and Upward Bow Pose, is a backbending posture that opens up the chest, tones the thighs, abdomen and arms, and engages the whole body. As a heart-opening stretch, this pose helps release sadness and depression. It gets its name from the Sanskrit words, chakra, meaning wheel, and asana, meaning posture.

Level of Difficulty: Intermediate/Advanced

How to do Chakrasana

  1. To begin, lie on your back.

  2. Bend your knees so that your feet are flat on the floor in a parallel position in line with your sitting bones, about a foot’s distance away from your hips. Press your feet firmly into the floor.

  3. Place your hands on the floor just above your shoulders with your fingers facing your shoulders.

  4. Press into your hands and lift your upper body off the mat, resting the crown of your head lightly on  your mat.

  5. Press into your feet and lift your legs, pelvis and abdomen off of the mat, activating your inner thighs.

  6. Push more into your feet, bringing more of your weight into your palms. This will protect your lower back.

  7. Maintain strength and stability in your arms by continuing to press firmly into the mat.

  8. Let your head hang in a neutral position, making sure not to strain your neck.

  9. Hold for 5-10 breaths.

  10. To exit the posture, slowly lower your arms and legs and bring your spine back onto the mat vertebrae by vertebrae.

Benefits of Chakrasana

  • Increases energy and heat
  • Strengthens the arms, legs, spine, and abdomen
  • Opens the chest
  • Stretches the shoulders
  • Stretches the hip flexors and core
  • Strengthens the glutes and thighs
  • Increases flexibility in the spine


  • Back problems (especially lower)
  • Shoulder injury
  • Pregnancy
  • High or low blood pressure

Modifications and Variations in Chakrasana

  • To modify: If you are a beginner and/or have limited flexibility in your spine, start with Bridge Pose.
  • To increase challenge: Slowly move your hands closer to your feet, shortening the distance between your hands and feet and increasing the height of the wheel shape. Make sure to continue pressing firmly into your feet and shifting the weight towards your hands.

Preparatory Poses and Follow up Poses

While a regular yoga practice can result in improved health, know that it is not a substitute for medical treatment. It is important to learn and practice yoga under the supervision of a trained teacher. In the case of a medical condition, practice yoga after consulting a doctor.

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