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  1. How to get rid of bloating

    In the last decade, there has been a steady rise in the number of young Indians experiencing bloating and other gastrointestinal issues on a regular basis. Bloating is not just uncomfortable. It brings abdominal pain, loss of appetite, nausea, and a dampe ...
  2. 5 delicious winter breakfast recipes to keep you active

    Cold winter mornings are incomplete without warm and filling breakfasts. While a good breakfast is a good start to the day, in winter it is surely your lifeline. It helps you fight the laziness that comes with the cold and keep up your typing speed as you ...
  3. How to lose weight without exercise

    Long commuting hours, 12-hour work schedules, and the general busyness of our lives make it hard for many of us to exercise. Some cannot exercise because of a health condition. In either case, this incapacity becomes an obstacle to those who want to lose ...
  4. 6 Foods to avoid in period cramps

    It was the first time in my life that I came to know there are certain foods to be avoided during periods. My mother-in-law reminded me to avoid curd during my menstrual cycle. Initially, I took it lightly, but later I found that not only curd but there a ...
  5. PCOD: Foods to eat and avoid

    PCOD stands for polycystic ovarian disease. It is a disorder in females due to hormonal imbalance causing the ovaries to produce immature eggs. This results in cysts in the ovaries and is a l e ading cause of infertility in women. This is mainly a lifesty ...
  6. Food that helps in menstrual cramps

    I remember my elder sister returning home mid-day from school due to menstrual cramps. My mother would worry when I had monthly cycles. But I never felt the cramps in the initial years. My friends shared similar experiences to my sister.  The Indian stati ...
  7. 7 Ways to Save Money on Healthy Foods

    Shopping can be exciting or exhaustive depending on the list to buy. Planning grocery shopping has proved to be more beneficial than blindly putting items in your cart. Recently I planned to change my diet to healthy eating and found some hacks to save mo ...
  8. 10 tips to reduce hair fall in winter

    Have you ever felt like not taking a bath in winter due to the chilling cold season? A hot shower can be an attraction for some. But did you know that a hot shower is not good for the health of your hair?  Here are things that are detrimental to our hair ...
  9. 9 foods with high fiber content

    Fiber-rich food constitutes a major segment of diets that health enthusiasts swear by. The importance of fiber in our diet is nothing less than other vitamins, good fats and carbs. Fiber assists in digestion by improving gut health, regulates sugar levels ...
  10. 10 Side-effects of the FAD diet

    I was astonished when I first read “ Gluten-free ” on a food packet. I wondered why such foods are in demand. Discussing this with my friends, I got introduced to several FAD diets. It was thought-provoking to learn that FAD diets are perhaps causing more ...