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  1. Be a Gopal

    Like fish in the water, you are in air. Thoughts are in mind. Mind is in Big Mind. The Big Mind in Me is love. Emotions are ripples in love. Love is all Knowledge. Every atom of Big Mind is crammed with Knowledge. Knowing this, you stop seeking. You seek ...
  2. You are Fire

    We need to remember that we are fire. However, some ash gets accumulated over the mind. Once you blow the ash away then the fire will rise up and shine brightly. If there are too many worries in your mind, then just say ‘Hmm’ (with slight force), and all ...
  3. Volunteer for a Better India

    A talk given by H H Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar during the Curtain raiser event of Volunteer for a Better India. As I was lighting the lamp, it took a little time. I said,'It takes a little time for the oil lamp to catch fire, but once it catches fi ...
  4. How Shiva Did Not Recognize His Own Son

    The stories in the Puranas contain many incredible and hard-to-believe occurences. But they should not be interpreted as a nursery rhyme. Their language is Shakespearean and laden with great depth and meaning. We need to interpret these stories with a ver ...
  5. Three Levels of Knowledge

    There are three type of knowledge or information that we get. One is through the five senses. You see and you get some knowledge, you listen and you get some knowledge, you smell and you get information and through taste and touch you get information. The ...
  6. Ram means the light within me, the light in my heart

    (Festival of Ram Navami, April 1, 2012) Ram means light. The root of words like rays and radiance comes from ram. Ra means radiance. Ma means me, mine, myself. Ram means the light within me, the light in my heart. Ram, of course, is the name of Lord Rama, ...
  7. Sri Sri on the Bhagavad Gita

    Terrorists are cowards. Whenever terror has struck in any part of the world, we have heard people say it is an act of cowardice. A coward runs away from action but harbours all negative feelings and does it surreptitiously. This is exactly what happened t ...
  8. This begins a new practice

    Beyond an event is Knowledge. Beyond a person is love. Beyond an object is infinity. Knowledge is not in an event; it is beyond an event. If you take one event and infer anything from one event-- infer knowledge-- it will be erroneous knowledge. Say Nancy ...
  9. Anasuya

    Knowledge will be different at different levels of consciousness. At a particular level of consciousness you will become anasuya. Anasuya is devoid of fault-finding eyes. If a mirror is dusty, you need a duster to clean it. But if your eyes have a catarac ...