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  1. 5 benefits of a daily meditation practice

    Have you ever wondered about the speed of thought? You might be here one moment and somewhere else, many light years away, in the next. So, you see, your thoughts can travel faster than the speed of light! Says Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, ”Wherever you ...
  2. Meditation and Sports Performance

    In sport, as in life, there are tough moments and then there are those moments of glory that make adversities worthwhile. In fact, any sportsperson- especially those at the peak of their trade- will readily agree that the bad days far outweigh the good on ...
  3. The Benefits of Meditation

    Since time immemorial, meditation has been used to attain enlightenment. Wise ones have touted it as a means to get rid of misery. Experiences and modern research show that meditation is helpful for life goals as regular and diverse as overcoming a trauma ...
  4. Dear Infinity series: How to deal with pandemic loneliness

    Hi! I am Infinity. Not just the mathematical concept, you know. More like the endless stretch of the Milky Way galaxy that you see from Earth. Instead, I am more than that: an ocean of wisdom and uncountable human stories that are recording in me every mo ...
  5. 10 ways to become more intuitive

    Do you hear yourself often, ‘only if I were more intuitive’? Especially when you are  at crossroads of life, where you do not know where to go. Or during times of trouble, when you are desperately looking for an answer but your inner voice seems to be as ...

    Practicing meditation has shown favourable results in reducing insomnia, craving for addictives, and even averting relapse. It has also been found that people who meditate tend to slow down the rate of cellular and bodily aging. At the body level, meditat ...
  7. 20 Quotes On Meditation That will Change the Way You See Meditation

    Meditation is the process of going inwards. In this process, we withdraw consciously from all activity and just observe our thoughts and emotions. When the mind becomes still and equanimous, it is said to be in the state of meditation.  Being in a state o ...
  8. 20 Quotes On Meditation

    Meditation is the process of going inwards. In this process, we withdraw consciously from all activity and just observe our thoughts and emotions. When the mind becomes still and equanimous, it is said to be in the state of meditation.  Being in a state o ...
  9. Yale & BIDMC independently endorse Sudarshan Kriya Yoga (SKY) for boosting mental health of students

    July 2020: Recently, researchers at Yale University and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) have independently published research findings stating the efficacy of the Art of Living’s Sudarshan Kriya Yoga technique as a stress management tool.  Wh ...
  10. 7 Chakras in human body, significance & how to balance them

    What are 7  chakras in the human body? How important are they for us? There are seven chakras or energy centers in the human body through which our vital energy or prana shakti flows. Sometimes, these energy channels get blocked and this leads to illness ...