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  1. Quotes on freedom by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    ) Do not think that you have no freedom. Life is a combination of destiny and free will. There are some things we can change through our actions, and there are some things that we just cannot change and we have to accept them the way they are.   2) There ...
  2. 9 inspiring quotes on patriotism by Gurudev

    Dream the impossible. Know that you are born in this world to do something wonderful and unique; don't let this opportunity pass by. Give yourself the freedom to dream and think big. Patriotism does not mean that you are against others. You are not a ...
  3. How to celebrate the new year like a spiritual yogi

    2020 has been everything that none of us expected it to be when it started. Now, as the year comes to an end, we are not exactly the same people as when 2020 began. Many of us had the time to reflect, rewind, and take self-care as a priority, turning us t ...
  4. 2020 in review: Top 15 life lessons learned in 2020

    Essentially, 2020 was the year of the pandemic, and Covid-19. ‘Pandemic’ has also been chosen as Word of the Year by and Merriam-Webster, while the Cambridge Dictionary chose ‘quarantine’. In a sense, almost nothing happened this year, exce ...
  5. Letting go to experience real joy

    At every instance, life teaches you the art of letting go. The more you learn to let go, the happier and freer you will be. Otherwise, you carry the same thoughts with you- wherever you go.  For example, say your thoughts are on the guru. Then, you think, ...
  6. How to stop worrying right away?

    First, recognize that you always worry. Turn back, and see that you worried last month, yet, you are still surviving now. You wasted your time worrying last year, and you’re still sitting here now- complete and whole. So, with your own experience of worry ...
  7. Secrets to a happily-ever-after relationship for men & women

    It's only through words that conflicts begin. It's only through words that people have fun, and it's only through words that people gain wealth. So, words should be used sparingly. Usually, when people have misunderstandings, they say, “Let ...
  8. How to get rid of duality?

    The five indications or signs of a disturbed mind are mentioned in the Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Dukha (sadness) Dourmanasya (bitterness) Angmejayatva (restlessness or lack of coordination in the body) Irregular breathing: If you have observed your breath, w ...
  9. Discovering inner strength

    Sanjaya, the charioteer of King Dhritarashtra had great inner vision, and he was an expert in seeing things happening far away. So, the king took his help to see what was happening in the Mahabharata war. That's the very first lesson of the Bhagavad ...
  10. 7 astonishing truths from Yoga Vasistha that will blow your mind

    When Lord Rama realizes the futility of existence and the misery it brings with itself, he is struck with sorrow. When he seeks refuge in Rishi Vasistha, the enlightened rishi takes him to the pinnacle of truth through a dialogue between the two that late ...