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  1. Yoga Nidra for Sleep: How to Sleep Better Tonight

    Yoga nidra is a beautiful process for finding deep rest and relaxation in a matter of minutes. To learn more about yoga nidra and its benefits, read on. Did you know that according to recent studies 11% of American adults are chronically suffering from sl ...
  2. Use This Gratitude Meditation for Year-Round Joy Right Now

    Are you here for the gratitude meditation? Meditate here. When do we feel grateful? When there is abundance, and also when there is lack. When things are going right and we have much to be thankful for, it can be easy to feel gratitude. But also when we h ...
  3. What Does Meditation Do for Your Mind, Brain, Heart, and Health?

    Given how stressed everyone is at the moment, it seems like everyone is taking up meditation. There are so many benefits of meditation. From cultivating a deeper sense of peace to developing self-awareness and focus, it’s no wonder it’s so popular! There’ ...
  4. Art of Living Reviews: Real People, Real Experiences

    Trustpilot It’s a reasonable question! I personally always read the reviews online (and preferably from friends) before I join a course or check out a product. This is why we’re glad we can share some reviews here, as well as a link to an independent revi ...
  5. Feeling Stressed? Relaxation Meditation Can Help You Today

    How do you relax? Do you have a specific way that you like to unwind? For a lot of us, our relaxation methods are not always the healthiest. Often we try to relax by numbing ourselves, be it with alcohol or TV. There's often an unconscious associatio ...
  6. Can Meditation Replace Sleep? Find Out Before You Try It!

    I think we have all tried to get by on less sleep at one time or another. And we have also tried to recover from a lack of sleep from time to time, perhaps even struggling with long-term insomnia issues. So, it’s no wonder that many of us would like to tr ...
  7. A Guided 10 Minute Meditation to Clear Your Head: Try Now

    Have you tried to find a moment in the day to meditate but feel like it's, well, hard? So many people feel this way, and put so much pressure on themselves to meditate for hours, thinking that a 10-minute meditation isn't enough. And then, becau ...
  8. The Best Meditation Positions for Your Body and Practice

    While forms of meditation may differ, the physical positions meditators assume often don't. A meditator sits in a relaxed yet alert way. This prevents sleep from overtaking them and keeps distractions and pain away. If you meditate regularly, you hav ...
  9. What is Breathwork Meditation and How Will It Benefit You?

    If you've spent any time in the wellness space (or let's be chances are someone has recommended to you that you try at least one of the following: meditation, breathwork, yoga, and mindfulness.  Maybe you were interested in the re ...
  10. Looking to Learn Meditation Online? Here're the Best Apps and Courses

    Meditation is a proven practice used to promote inner peace, clarity, and calmness, increase relaxation and develop mindfulness. Contrary to how it was in ancient times, meditation is no longer a practice reserved solely for those seeking spiritual enligh ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More