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  1. How to Make Stress Your Friend By Mastering The Power of Your Breath

    By Jade Doherty 55% of Americans report high levels of stress. Learn how to make stress your friend, and reduce stress and anxiety through the power of your breath. "How to make stress your friend?!" I hear you think. "That's like maki ...
  2. Life Before & After SKY Breath Meditation

    By Spencer Delisle Learn how Spencer Delisle debunked the external happiness myths, and how SKY Breath Meditation helped to tap into true, long-lasting joy. There came a time in my life where I felt I had achieved everything on the outside. I had a degree ...
  3. Simple Meditation Relaxation Techniques for Your Mind, Body, and Soul

    By Jade Doherty  In need of deep relaxation and long-term stress reduction? Find out how meditation, relaxation, and breathing go hand-in-hand. Hands up, who often feels stressed? Ah- that looks like most of us! Stress is so common in our lives, from the ...
  4. The Most Beautiful Place on the Planet

    By Patti Montella I Posted on : February 19, 2021 Author of the best-selling book, Becoming Unshakeable: Wisdom Learned on the Journey to Inner Freedom, Patti Montella shares the transformative power of a Silent Meditation retreat. Celebrities, CEO’s and ...
  5. Say Bye to All Your Meditation Woes with An Easy Mantra Meditation

    By Sejal Shah I Updated on : July 05, 2021 Struggling to meditate? Learning mantra meditation can help you to get rid of all your meditation woes and difficulties. Find out how. Are you finding it difficult to meditate? Do you find that your mind is all o ...
  6. Can You Feel the Difference Between Loving and Jealous Critics?

    By Shalin Desai A SKY Breath Meditation teacher shares about the different types of critics that exist, and how the power of silence can help to lift those deep, critical impressions. There are three types of criticism The first comes from oneself. Somewh ...
  7. Reconnect and Restore your Energy Through the Ancient Power of Silence

    By Spencer Delisle  Silent Retreat teacher shares how the power of silence can help to recharge our energy, and offers tips on how to harness its powers in our everyday life. We all have a desire for silence at some point or another. Maybe you’ve been tal ...
  8. Learning To Meditate: 7 Easy Steps to Relax and Quiet Your Monkey Mind

      By Sejal Shah  Meditation is a popular trend and is also backed by science. Here is how you can learn to meditate in 7 easy steps. Try now! Over the last several years, the popularity of meditation has surged in the west. Not only that it is trendy, but ...
  9. Walking Meditation to Calm Your Busy Mind and Fidgety Body

    By Elizabeth Herman  If your mind and body can’t seem to stop being busy and fidgety, give walking meditation a chance to calm you down! You can practice anytime and anywhere. You’ve tried meditation, but you find it hard to keep your body so still for so ...
  10. Try This Chakra Meditation to Balance Your Body’s Energy System Today

    By Sejal Shah  Keeping the chakras balanced has been linked to physical and mental wellbeing. Try this beautiful guided chakra meditation to uplevel your energies and calm your mind today! Have you been doing the chakra balancing yoga poses or the chakra ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More