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  1. The Power of Meditation for Healing the Body, Mind, and Spirit

    More and more people are turning to meditation for healing, and there are good reasons why! Science and medical communities support those reasons with research and evidence. Meditation is a great tool for healing many areas of your life. Most ailments inv ...
  2. SKY Meditation Benefits for Kids and Teens

    A growing trend in risk reduction and positive youth development is providing adolescents with tools that calm and center them physically, such as yoga, martial arts, and meditation. A comprehensive program that includes biohacks, like SKY Breath and SKY ...
  3. Learn How to Meditate With this Holistic Meditation Guide

    Meditation has many benefits, including lower stress levels, improved emotional resiliency, better relationships, and overall health. We are here to help you start your meditation journey and live your best life. Let’s start! Topics covered: What is medit ...
  4. Want a Masterclass in Deep Meditation? Start Your Journey Here

    I started my meditation journey in 1972 at just 13 years old. I have had some amazing experiences in deep meditation and have learned a lot along the way. I also trained to become a SKY Breath Meditation teacher in 2001. I’m here to share what I have lear ...
  5. Use Your Circadian Rhythm to Improve Your Sleep-Wake Cycle

    Not to be confused with cicada the insect, circadian rhythms have everything to do with your sleep-wake cycles. That’s not to say that cicada insects don’t have circadian rhythms; they do! Almost all living things have circadian rhythms, though they can d ...
  6. The Best Muscle Relaxation Methods to Melt Away Muscle Tension

    MUSCLE TENSION. Just reading these two words can make your muscles tense up! And everyone, at some point in time, has or will deal with tense muscles— it is inevitable. This means we all need to know the best muscle relaxation methods because nobody wants ...
  7. Chakra Meaning: Know the Energy Centers, Base of Spine to Top of Head

    You’ve probably heard the word chakra on a TV show or in a yoga class, maybe from your friend. But perhaps you’re not quite sure what chakra is precisely. Or maybe you have some idea about what a chakra is but need more clarity. Maybe your mind is filled ...
  8. Beauty Sleep: More than Skin-Deep and More Important than You Think

    You sleep every night, but are you getting deep restorative sleep, aka beauty sleep? If you get only about six hours of sleep a night, you probably don't get enough deep sleep cycles. Deep sleep is what helps your skin restore!  Beauty Sleep FAQs Wha ...
  9. Better Sleep with Melatonin Alternatives: Here’s What You Need to Know

    We all know how vital a good night’s sleep is, especially when we have tossed and turned all night long. When you don’t have enough good quality sleep, you can have a whole host of problems affecting your day. There’s a higher chance of mistakes and injur ...
  10. The Solar Plexus Chakra: Your Personal Guide to Balance the 3rd Chakra

    Topics covered: What is the solar plexus chakra? Location and meaning The characteristics of the solar plexus chakra Color: Yellow Element: Fire Emotions and Manipura energy Signs and symptoms of blocked solar plexus chakra energy Physical signs Mental si ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More