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Sri Sri Yoga is a discipline both gentle and powerful that integrates elements from the different paths of yoga, especially Hatha yoga, uniting the body, mind and breath in awareness. Here the wisdom and techniques of yoga are brought to you in a joyful and thorough manner, and covers a vast range from breathing techniques to various body postures (asanas) to knowledge and guided meditations. Yoga goes beyond the physical body and helps you sharpen your sensitivity towards more subtle levels of existence, leading to a full blossoming of the human potential.

Sri Sri Yoga (Level 1)

5-6 day workshop, either consecutive or weekly, for 2.5 hours each day.

Here begins the fulfilling journey of Yoga:

  • Where the participants are introduced to different aspects of Yoga and
  • Gradually guided from gentle to vigorous postures in a sequential manner, along with some dynamic exercises
  • Making use of some powerful breathing techniques and simple relaxation tools, which help calm the chattering mind and experience deep inner peace and
  • Offers relief from obesity and stress, in addition to other ailments of the body and mind

A personal Yoga plan is charted for everyone and they are introduced to ayurveda where they learn about yogic diet. Through this course, the bountiful fruits of Yoga can be experienced quickly.

Sri Sri Yoga (Level 2)

7-day Residential Course, which offers:

  • An opportunity to dive deep into the science of Yoga
  • A thorough exploration of postures, ancient yogic knowledge and scriptures, breathing and meditation in a retreat setting
  • Learning how to correct your postures for better symmetry and balance in the body
  • Discovering more about an ayurvedic diet and nutrition
  • Finally, exposure to a unique feature known as the Subtle Strength and Healing Contractions, which makes one stronger, both physically and mentally.

As a prerequisite to this course, one has to do the Sri Sri Yoga Part I and The Art of Living Course/ YES!+.

Sri Sri Yoga (Level 3)

10-day residential course, set in a retreat setting, designed to help one explore the depth of Yoga by experiencing:

  • 5 days of silence
  • A rigorous, weight loss component during the retreat
  • Yoga kriyas for inner cleansing

As a prerequisite to this course, one has to do the Sri Sri Yoga Part II, The Art of Living Course/YES!+ and the Art of Living Advanced Course.