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  1. Dispassion is what you invoke in yourself

    Dearest Guruji, is it true that every chapter of the Bhagavad Gita has influence on a particular plane? Kindly explain. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Planets are far away, they have an influence on your mind, on your Self. Every chapter has an influence on you.Dea ...
  2. Love strengthens the soul, hatred and sorrow weakens the soul

    Is there something like a good or bad being? If someone is bound by an outer problem, does the negative path follow him? How to get rid of that? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: There is no good or bad soul. There are strong and weak souls. Strong souls are happy, an ...
  3. While we live we should be happy and allow others to be happy

        Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Every day we have to take some time off to make ourselves peaceful. For this, we need to become aware that all that is there today will not be there someday, like the bubbles in the water. We should know the impermanence. ...
  4. It is up to us to bring out the best in others

      Guruji, when we say that so and so person is a realized soul, please tell me what do they realize? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Realization is just that I am not the body but I am much more than the body. I have been here before this birth and I will continue t ...
  5. Knowledge is structured in consciousness

        People have lot of expectations from me. What to do? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: It is their problem! You give your 100 percent, do whatever you can, and then if somebody expects more, it is their problem. (Sri Sri then asked the audience about the progress ...
  6. Nirvana- A special Knowledge Session with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    Bangalore Ashram Dear Guruji, please enlighten us on what is Nirvana and better still give it to us right now!Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You know our senses always look outward and the mind through the senses always captures the world around us and then ...
  7. Art of Living- Overblik

    Grundlagt i 1981 af Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living Foundation er en non-profit, uddannelsesmæssig og humanitær NGO (Non-Governmental Organisation) engageret i stress-management og velgørende initiativer. Organisationen opererer globalt i 152 land ...
  8. Celebrating the peace within is Shivaratri

    Today is Maha Shivaratri and the whole Art of Living Webteam wishes you all a very Happy Shivaratri:)  Significanceof Shivaratri   Shivarathri means ‘the night of Shiva’ and is observed in honour of Lord Shiva (The meditative aspect of the Universe).  Acco ...
  9. The inner climate can only bring the attitudinal change to work towards the external climate

    Extracts of Gurudev's address at Climate Change Summit, IIT Chennai“There are two types of climate change; one is the outer climate change and the other inner climate change. Inner climate change is for a person to be calm and cool even during times of str ...
  10. Love that stands the test of time

    Love, everyone is looking for such a love that never dies. As time goes it seems to be dying out. You see? But we are looking for some love that stands the time – the old, ancient, strong, powerful love - Divine Love!   To download more Art of Living wall ...