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  1. The Door to Meditation

    This mind is experiencing the world. Who is miserable? If you say, “Oh, I am so miserable,” find out who is miserable, who is hot, who is cold, who is experiencing pain, who is experiencing pleasure, who is happy, who is unhappy, who feels, who is intelli ...
  2. Meditation is an Art

    Everyone has ten fingers. It is just a matter of learning how to use these ten fingers to create something so melodious. In the same way, we all have a mind, we all think, so we all can meditate. It is just a little skill to see how we can calm the mind a ...
  3. Pravriti and Nivriti (Engaged in action, Retire from action)

    There are two attitudes, one, you see everything as perfect, another is finding various imperfections.  One is called Pravriti, when you’re engaged in action; nivriti, when you retire from action. Often, we are not okay with the way things are around us a ...
  4. With Meditation, Source of Negativity is Nipped at the Root

    Negativity cannot remain without a hook to hang on. Positivity and happiness can exist without any reason. The mind goes on trying to find a hook for its negativity – if not this person, then that thing or that person. This perpetuates maya. The creeping ...
  5. The intelligent know that worldly pleasure is momentary

    The intelligent ones do not get lost in the pleasure that comes out of the contact, of the Gunas and its objects. They are not carried away by the pleasure of the senses and its objects. They know that this pleasure is momentary. It has a beginning and an ...
  6. Five Steps of Meditation

    “Happy New Year to you all. It’s a nice way to celebrate the New Year with meditation. What is meditation? Meditation is a state from which everything has come and to which everything goes. It is that inner silence from where you feel joy, happiness, calm ...
  7. Meditation: The Taste of True Freedom

    Every human being wants to be free. But when the mind gets caught up in a never-ending list of day-to-day activities, it seems like the search is forgotten. But meditation allows you to come back to your true nature. On a spiritual quest, freedom, meditat ...
  8. Experiences of True Beauty

    This is continued from previous article on 11 ways for a glowing skin Below are the experiences of people who found the secret to their beautiful skin in yoga, meditation, Sudarshan Kriya and Ayurveda. “Through meditation, you can reach a place inside you ...
  9. Meditation for Parenting Toddlers: Unfolding Secrets

    I cannot stop admiring her as she takes baby steps in an effort to walk independently. It seems that in no time, she has turned 16 months old. My beautiful yet adventurous journey of parenting has allowed me to capture these moments of a lifetime. At the ...
  10. Meditation – A Free Fall into Yourself

    Shreya Chugh, an Art of Living teacher for youth courses and an avid adventure sports enthusiast, shares with Eben Felix her love for the sport and how meditation has helped enhance the thrill for her passion. Standing high on a rock…high enough to smell ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More