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  1. The 1-2-3 Of Meditation

    Have you noticed yourself when you’re ‘pinging’ your friend on the phone? Your fingers just fly off the keypad and before you know it, you’ve written your thoughts real-time. Texting someone on your smartphone is almost like a reflex action. 1,2,3 and you ...
  2. Guided Meditation: Help for Anxiety, Stress, Sleep, and More

    Whether you have already tried guided meditation or not, you are in the right place! Besides including several guided meditations here for you, we will also explain the differences between guided and unguided meditation. And how you can quickly move from ...
  3. Questions on Meditation Part-2

    Based on a series of talks entitled ‘Secrets of meditation’ given by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on April 20, 2012, California. These talks have been made into knowledge sheets. Q-1: Why is it that10 minutes of meditation gives me more energy than 8 or 1 ...
  4. ‘Consciousness is very ancient; the mind is older than the stones’

    This is continued from the previous Secrets of Meditation post … Q-1: What is Samadhi? Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: ‘Dhi’ means the intellect and ‘Samadhi’ means where the mind is in total equanimity; where your whole system is in total balance, that is ...
  5. When your energy is uplifted, then meditation happens

    This is continued from the previous Secrets of Meditation post … Q: How to accept the present moment? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Like now, this moment I have accepted your question, and I am here now. Got it? It is spontaneous. The present moment is inevitable ...
  6. Love seeks to dissolve the identity

    This is continued from the previous Secrets of Meditation post … Q-1 Can you speak on how devotion can transform the ego in order for the Self to be realized? Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Listen, what is devotion? It is a state of love. What is ego? It i ...
  7. 7 Ways to Have More Fun with Meditation

    As more individuals experience the health and wellness benefits that come from daily meditation, it’s increasing in popularity. However, just like other healthy habits, getting into the routine of daily meditation can be a challenge. You may have the best ...
  8. 10 Myths About Meditation

        Here is a list of the most common myths about meditation, hoping that any confusion that you might have is cleared. #1 Meditation is Concentration Meditation is actually de-concentration. Concentration is a benefit of meditation. Concentration require ...
  9. Natural Ways to Improve Concentration and Focus

    Posted: March 21, 2018 Whether you’re a concert guitarist or an amateur drummer, an Olympic Athlete or a recreational swimmer, a surgeon, student, teacher, or working professional, whatever your pursuit, your performance and ability to learn new things de ...
  10. Me! Meditate?

    Dinesh Kashikar, Senior Sri Sri Yoga Teacher, Bangalore As a student in IIT Mumbai, when someone asked me to join a course on meditation, all I said was "Me! Meditate?" As a typical (or should that be atypical) IITian I was focused on getting go ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More