Sviluppo rurale

Holistic life through 5H Program (Homes, Healthcare, Hygiene, Human values and Harmony in diversity)

The 5H program aims at ensuring that every rural area/village has Homes for the homeless, HealthcareHygieneHuman Values and Harmony in diversity. Set up in 1997, 5H program acts as a catalyst for social transformation. The program aims to eradicate poverty, misery, disease and to ensure peace and harmony in rural and tribal areas worldwide.

Young people from the local community undergo the Youth Leadership Training Program (YLTP). This gives them the skills, motivation and ability to initiate and lead service projects in their own villages based on local needs.

Only a strong spiritual foundation brings self-esteem and self-confidence that is unshakeable. It is this combination of spirituality, as well as skills and leadership training that ensures the long-term effectiveness and sustainability of this program.

The individuals and communities become self-reliant at the grassroots, both socially and economically, this ensures the effects of the program are long-term and sustainable.

        5H Achievements

  • Reached 36,557 villages
  • Trained 61,546 rural youth in YLTP
  • Conducted 121,600 free stress-relief workshops benefiting more than 5,688,000 people
  • Conducted 48,800 hygiene camps and 23,600 medical camps benefitting 2,582,500 people
  • Planted more than 2,251,000 trees
  • Built 1527 homes, 5670 toilets, 1036 bore-wells, 820 bio-gas plants

Join the revolution for change

  • Are you inspired and ready to take on social responsibility?
  • Want to be focused and be the part of the change you want to see?
  • Are you ready to be committed and build a team of leaders?

Then join the Family - Contact a YLTP Coordinator