
My anger and I are
not the same

How to develop the ability to not say hurtful words that create noise in the minds of others

Starting the path with The Art of Living has been an amazing experience for me. I feel grateful to have done the Yoga Teacher Training (200 hours). It has been an honor. I am from Colombia and I feel connected with the Art of Living family around the world. Definitely, being on the path has expanded my sense of belonging. I want to share how Yoga and Patanjali Yoga Sutras have impacted my life. 

Luz Stella Rico SSY Teacher

One of my favorites sutras is: “Tadaa drastuh svarupe –’vasthaanam” ll1:3ll. Thereby abiding in the nature of the seer. It is one definition of Yoga and it is a very deep sutra. It makes us wonder who is watching and who is experiencing this life. When we probe deep into the meaning of it, we could discover/realise the Self. The sutra shows us that observation helps our mind to not be engaged with the feelings or the outside world. It helps us to drop those identities and to know we are not them. They are not our true nature.

The first time I watched the commentaries of Patanjali Yoga Sutras by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar I felt different. Since that time, I started to look at myself. Then, I realized that I was more aware of my feelings. I became more conscious of the mind. Now, in various adverse situations, I can separate myself from anger and not get involved in it. In addition, I can observe what the temperature of my body is during that feeling. I have been acquiring the ability to remain silent to not to say hurtful words that can create noise in the minds of others.

Sometimes, I can't do it, but I still could observe. I believe the most beautiful thing of observation is being able to experience the present moment, the deepest in it, the Self, the consciousness in it. Maybe this has happened to me just a few times but it is amazing. My invitation for you is to apply this sutra in your daily life. Be more aware of your mind. Be a yogi. Remember that yoga is not just done on the mat with asanas. It is a discipline. It is a big universe that we can discover by our observation, by our practice, and by the way we live life. In addition, Gurudev said in the Patanjali commentaries “Yoga connects all the loose ends of our existence”.

Therefore, dear yogis, become seers. 

Luz Stella Rico SSY Teacher

By Luz Stella Rico Castro

A little note: As community conversation facilitators, we believe in giving an individual the autonomy of expression. The views expressed in this piece are the author's own.