
Finding your inner
light with yoga

Working on body positivity? That’s great. Are you also working on mind positivity?


Dhaval Sharma

What do you see when you look at a human being? Most of us see their physical appearance, how they look, dress, walk, talk, right? Some of us will say that we get positive vibes when we look at someone. They can experience something beyond the physical realm which we term as vibes, positivity, presence, etc. What is it that makes them sensitive to this subtle aspect of our existence? Maybe their sense of perception is refined, pure. Do you wish to transcend and be one of them as well? If yes, then we need to understand purity at both body and mind levels. Impurity in the body is accepted as natural. The region below the stomach mostly manages waste. The entire skin organ sweats out. Half the body has impure blood. Every breath you breathe releases waste from your system. It is ok for the body to have waste and it is our responsibility to make these waste management systems as efficient as possible. That is why we do yoga asanas, walking, and running. But impurity in mind is not acceptable. It is considered unnatural. The natural state of mind is peace, bliss, and happiness. These aspects radiate positivity, create your presence and uplift the human spirit in and around you. Jealousy, anger, greed, nervousness don't feel natural. These happen at the mind level and make you heavy and create a negative presence. It is okay for the mind to waver but it is your responsibility to bring it to its natural state by regular practice of yoga, Sudarshan Kriya, Sahaj Samadhi Meditation, and taking guidance from a Guru, an enlightened master. Along with body positivity, how much are you working on mind positivity? Nature has given you this combination of body and mind to develop a purification system that will make life light. 


You are light. You are pure.

Written by: Dhaval Sharma

A little note: As community conversation facilitators, we believe in giving an individual the autonomy of expression. The views expressed in this piece are the author's own.