
Why school children should
do Surya Namaskar

Do you know who the best yoga teacher in town is? No? Take a look at children and you’ll be surprised to find how well they can do those postures that you struggle with on the yoga mat. From an infant to a toddler to a second-grader, children do yoga all the time. It is only when they start turning older that they stop doing these postures and need to go to a yoga school to learn it all again. Schools around the world are now acknowledging the important role yoga plays in the physical and mental growth of children and are encouraging children to indulge in this ancient practice.

Here’s a list of some beneficial yoga postures for school going children:

1.Pranamasana (Prayer pose)

Pranamasana is a pose that everybody is familiar with. We do this every day at home when welcoming guests and elders, and at school during prayer time. This posture helps ease the nervous system and gives better balance to the body. This is the first step of the Surya Namaskar.

2.Hastauttanasana (Raised arms pose)

Though it seems like a simple stretch, Hastauttanasana has multifold benefits. This pose helps strengthen the shoulder and also improves the level of oxygen in the blood. It helps relax the muscles in the neck and back; stretches the spinal cord and helps alleviate back-ache. It is also good for the abdominal muscles as they are stretched and even beneficial for the thyroid gland. This is the second and eleventh step of the Surya Namaskar.

3.Hasta Padasana (Hand to foot pose)

This is an excellent pose to improve blood circulation to the head; and stimulate digestive, nervous and endocrine systems. It also helps stretch the spinal cord and muscles of the back and those in the back-side of legs. This is the third and tenth step of the Surya Namaskar.

4.Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian pose)

Improved motion and flexibility of the hips and legs are the main benefits of this pose. This is the fourth and ninth step of the Surya Namaskar.

5.Dandasana (Stick pose)

In this posture, the entire weight of the body is on the wrists and thus strengthens them. It also strengthens the arms and spine while also aiding in toning the abdomen. This is the fifth step of the Surya Namaskar.

6.Ashtanga Namaskar (Salute with eight parts or points)

Literally translated as salutation with eight limbs, this posture works on eight limbs at once. It reduces tension and anxiety, improves the strength of muscles of the back and also improves the flexibility of the spine. This is the sixth step of the Surya Namaskar.

7.Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)

Bhujangasana opens up the shoulder and neck, tones the abdomen, strengthens the back and shoulder, improves flexibility of the upper and middle back, improves blood circulation and reduces stress and fatigue. This is the seventh step of the Surya Namaskar.

8.Parvatasana (Mountain pose)

This pose stretches the muscles of the calves, hamstring, back and forearms. It also eliminates fatigue and improves memory and concentration. This is the eighth step of the Surya Namaskar.

9.Tadasana (Mountain pose)

Tadasana helps improve awareness, blood circulation and digestion. It also increases energy and enthusiasm. This is the twelfth and final step of the Surya Namaskar.

10.Dhanurasana (Bow pose)

This posture helps strengthen the back and abdominal muscles and also makes the back more flexible. It is also a great stress and fatigue buster.

11.Vrikshasana (Tree pose)

Vrikshasana brings balance and equilibrium to the mind, enhances concentration and strengthens the hips, legs, back and arms.

12.Marjariasana (Cat pose)

This posture helps relax the mind, improves blood circulation and digestion. It also strengthens the wrists and shoulders.

13.Vajrasana (Adamantine pose)

Vajrasana is an excellent posture for digesting food and strengthening the nerves of legs and thighs.

14.Veerbhadrasana (Warrior pose)

This posture increases stamina, improves balance in the body, and brings courage and peace. It also strengthens and tones the arms, legs and lower back.

15.Shishuasana (Child pose)

Shishuasana is an effective posture for relaxing the back and calming down the nervous system.

These yoga postures are good for school children as it helps them in their psychological and physical growth. Most of these poses help strengthen various muscles and helps relieve stress, leading to a balanced mind and body. Yoga is not just a workout regime; it is our very nature. And that which is our nature, can help our life blossom even more.

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