
Unlocking the power of intuition: Nurturing your child's inner wisdom


My nephew, Sahaj, had an impeccable gut feeling about a guest arriving home. He mostly got it right. We wondered how he did it! He would say, “It was a sudden flash of insight”. Was his intuitive ability calling him? 

intuition in children

Our consciousness holds immense unexplored potential. Intuition enables the mind to perceive beyond the five senses and access intuition. 

Divya Kanchibotla, IIT graduate, Scientist and Executive Director of Sri Sri Institute for Advanced Research, shares her thoughts on how kids can learn to access their intuitive power in the video, “Intuition can be learned”.



Despite being difficult to quantify or explain scientifically, intuition is a powerful force influencing our daily lives in significant ways. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of intuition, real-life examples and how to strengthen it.

Benefits of intuition

Tapping into our intuition can have several benefits. 

  • Better decision-making

Intuitive children can make better decisions by trusting their inner voice.

  • Increased creativity and innovation

Strengthening intuition can help children tap into their creative potential and think outside the box.

  • Stronger personal relationships

Intuitive children can be more attuned to the feelings and needs of others, leading to stronger personal relationships and social skills.

  • Enhanced personal and academic growth

Intuition can help children better understand their own strengths and weaknesses, leading to personal and academic growth.

  • Improved physical and mental health

Being attentive to the body’s signals and responding to their own needs, children can improve their physical and mental health.

Encouraging children to develop their intuition can be a powerful way to help them tap into their full potential and lead fulfilling lives.

Real-life examples of intuition in action

Here are a few real-life Indian examples that showcase the power of intuition:

1. Sachin Tendulkar

The legendary Indian cricketer often talks about how he relied on his intuition to make crucial decisions on the field, such as choosing which bowler to face or which shot to play.

2. Ratan Tata

The former chairman of the Tata Group, one of India's largest conglomerates, has often cited intuition as a prime factor in his decision-making process. He trusted his intuition while deciding on brands such as Jaguar Land Rover and Tetley. They turned out to be highly successful.

How to strengthen intuition

By encouraging our children to trust and explore their intuition, we can help them become more self-aware, confident, and successful in their personal and professional lives. As parents, we can provide them with experiences that help invoke their intuition and encourage them to trust their foresight. By doing so, we give them the tools they need to thrive in a constantly changing and uncertain world. Here are a few ways to cultivate intuition in your kids.


Encourage meditation to help calm children’s minds and tune into their inner voice.

Attention to body sensations 

Guide them to pay attention to their body’s signals and sensations to help recognize when something is off or when a situation is not aligned with moral values.

Overcoming self-doubt

Support them to overcome self-doubt as it can hinder their ability to access intuitive insights. 

Choose differently as per the feeling

Follow decisions that feel easy and comfortable, and wait or choose differently when feeling tense or unsure.

Setting example

By modeling intuitive living, you automatically invite children to do the same. 


Gentle reminders that intuition is always there to help us access inner wisdom and information.

Open-ended question

Open-ended questions starting with “What” engages intuition the most. Questions like “What could happen if…” “What would you do about…” can help children cultivate trust in their intuition and decision-making, and empower them to act on those decisions if they appear in real life.


Let children explore, experiment and reflect rather than always being bound by fixed rules and expectations. This approach allows children to invoke their intuition and be creative in problem-solving and decision-making. 

Keeping intuition journal

Finally, help them to keep an intuition journal and seek experiences that challenge their intuition, helping them develop confidence in their intuitive abilities.

How to develop intuitive ability? Explained by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Intuition is a powerful force that can help children make better decisions, increase creativity and innovation, develop stronger relationships, and improve their overall well-being. Teach them to tap into their intuition to unlock new insights and opportunities that may not have been apparent through logical analysis alone.

Parents can enroll their kids in The Art of Living - Intuition Process, a program designed to help them develop intuition and connect with their inner voice. When your kids trust their intuition, they can be successful in all areas of their lives.


Related links

How can intuitive decision-making unlock a fulfilling career?


8 ways stress affects your intuition & what could help?


FAQs on intuition

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