
How to raise a kid
with good manners

“Oh, wow! Your children are well-mannered.” Such an appreciation will make any parent happy. Your happiness is limitless when your child persuades you, “Mom, you must take some rest. I will do all the cleaning. Not to worry.”

I am sure you will be on top of the world to have kids with good manners and moral values. But things don't just happen one fine day. You got to work on it. Find here some useful guidance on how to raise kids with good manners.

Ways to raise a kid with good manners

The research outcomes indicate that the conduct problems in participants decreased by 78 % after they attended Medha Yoga Level 1. 


“After doing Medha Yoga, I am a changed person. I am a firm and polite person,” says 13-year-old Meera.

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Take pride in being a help in the household chores.

When all the elders in the family take pride in being a helping hand in the household chores, children will follow suit. You will not have to request or order them for a task. They will not answer back and do the required as a part of their routine.

When parents respect the grandparents of the family, children behave with them respectfully.

During festive breaks, visit your parents’ house, as living with your parents is a great opportunity for your children to learn mannerisms and values from their grandparents. It happens with ease when children have a sense of belongingness to their grandparents. This can happen only when you love and respect your parents.

Set an example 

If you bring up your child with a sense of his intelligence and decisions, he will seek help. He will realize that his intelligence and understanding are not sufficient for everything. But time and again, if you advise your child, he will be rebellious and ill-mannered. To feel independent, he will do just the reverse of what you suggest. So advise less and act / behave the way you expect your child to be.

As parents, we need to give them the right atmosphere to grow as human beings. Children are good observant. They imitate your behavior until they are 12 years or so. They follow your actions much more than your words. Say, for instance, if the younger brother has to be taught to keep his shoes in the shoe rack. None in the family needs to direct him. The elder brother and the parents should place their shoes on the shoe rack daily. And seeing this, the little one will start doing the same.

Children look up to you as a happy father or mother or as a friend

Children run away from a dictator, a trainer, or a boss. Your role as a father or mother was more until the baby kid was delivered and reared up to 3 years of age. Thereafter, the role of parents is more of a friend to their kids. It pleases everyone, including the children, when joyful faces surround them. Children are sensitive to emotions. Nurture their innocence,  their sense of responsibility, and good mannerism as human beings.

Related link

Parenting questions and answers for new parents

Based on inputs from Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Written by: Pratibha Sharma

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