
5 advantages & disadvantages of growing your kids in a digital age

The online medium has proved to be a life-saver, or should we term it as ‘education-saver’ when the pandemic has caused a lot of trouble to all walks of life.

“Apps and websites cannot replace the communities that have always connected and supported us, but they can help diverse and dispersed groups coordinate care in unprecedented ways.”

- Gina Neff, an Associate Professor and Senior Research Fellow, Oxford Internet Institute

The other side of the digital age reveals 

Today many children check their instagram and twitter messages, number of likes, and subscribers on youtube first thing in the morning. Kids decide to dine at a restaurant after checking out the wifi facility there. The restaurant’s high ranking for food taste and hospitality is sometimes insufficient. 

Give your child the experience of Yoga, Meditation and Breath

Here are some advantages and disadvantages for kids in the digital age.

Advantages of growing your kids in the digital era 

  1. Kids remain connected with friends, cousins & relatives


The volume of studies and school projects would have left little time for children to interact with their friends, cousins and relatives. But video calls, facebook and other social media platforms help them to socialize.

  1. Interactive resources to enhance their knowledge

It makes learning fun and relatable. Students can replay the learning videos or switch to other sources to understand concepts.

  1. Educational content from various countries encourages kids to learn other languages

Children access global educational content and get interested in other languages. Authentic sources are available on the internet to teach them foreign languages. Thereby becoming multilingual.

  1. Differently abled children get an opportunity to build friendships online 

Differently abled children often complain of loneliness in the experience of their disabilities. Online friendship is a platform where they interact with their friends, whereas at home, they might feel left out. 

  1. Learn to solve problems such as in puzzles, quizzes and other activities

Fun problem-solving activities on the interactive websites are played in a team to build sportsmanship in children. Children can sharpen their skills while having fun.

Disadvantages of growing your kids in the digital era 

  1. Access to unsuitable videos, violent images and games not suitable to kid’s age

An example of unsuitable content - is a pop-up ad on an online game, showcasing children’s cartoon characters in adult situations. The inappropriate content can upset and confuse the child. Parents should understand the working of age ratings and verifications to protect children from watching age-inappropriate content.

  1. Excessive use of devices leads to overstimulation of nerves, and kids complain of sleep disorders

Research study of 4 to 11-year-old kids found that increased screen time resulted in the rise of sleep anxiety, night waking, sleepwalking and sleep disturbance.

  1. Children show symptoms of musculoskeletal soreness

If you hold a posture for a long while using the digital devices, it can lead to head or neck flexion, muscle twitches, fatigue, burning sensations in the muscles and the pain worsens with movement.

  1. High rise in cybercrime

Cybercrime includes cyberbullying, cyberstalking and other damages caused in cyberspace. Cyberbullying is sending abusive or harmful content about someone to embarrass them. Some teens become victims of cyberstalking when they spend time on social media. The tracking of fake profiles of anonymous stalkers is difficult. 

  1. Stress

Stress is measured by biomarkers like cortisol. Research revealed that adolescents engaging more with social media and phones, and having larger network sizes on facebook, experience a rise in cortisol after waking up. 

Well-being and mental health in the digital era - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Children and Teens Programs by The Art of Living are specially designed meditation, yoga, breath and self-development programs for children and teens. 


Find a program for your children as per their age.


The wise use of technology in the digital era can transform the disadvantages into advantages. It all depends on the kids tuning in with themselves and their parents. Goal-driven kids will use the devices and information for a constructive purpose. The role of parents is vital in monitoring and mentoring them in the wise handling of information technology. Technology is not going anywhere. Thus, support your children to safely grow in the digital era.


Inspired by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s wisdom talks

Written by: Pratibha Sharma

Related link

A simple one-minute exercise for those who spend too much time on laptops, is demonstrated by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

Reference links

Impacts of technology use on children: Exploring literature on the brain, cognition and well-being by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

Bedtime use of technology and associated sleep problem in children


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