
12 basic principles
of good parenting

While parenting my kid, I always remember that I was also a kid once upon a time. My parents had a broad understanding while parenting me, which was successful. I am grateful for the parenting practiced by my grandparents, which made my parents, good human beings. So do you see, the values are passed on from generation to generation? And so are the basic parenting tips


What are the basic principles of good parenting?

12 basic principles of parenting

Play with kids

Play with your kids. Celebrate and sing with them. Don’t try to be a teacher all the time. Learn from your children. Respect them. Don’t be too serious with kids. Gurudev once revealed, “My father would clap, tickle, chase us, and make us all laugh, on coming back from work.”

Have patience

Patience is the foundation of all other parenting principles. Do not get stuck on trivial issues. Parenting requires a lot of patience. You need to have patience and perseverance while dealing with your kids. Accommodate their desires while leading them on a desired path. 

Give human touch

Keep some time for your kids. Spending half an hour to an hour is good enough. Also, don’t stifle by sitting with them for 5-6 hours. Kids should be looking forward to story time with you. You can tell them interesting stories to instill moral values. If you tell them nice stories, they will not be glued to the television or devices all the time. The human touch is needed. Don’t let your kids become non-participatory witnesses in front of the screen.

Nurture innate trust

By nature, children have the tendency of trusting. But as they grow old, somewhere their trust is shaken. Check if they trust themselves, in the goodness of people, and in the power of divinity. Trust makes the child a genius. Children’s talents and communication skills shrink if their trust is shaken. One of the main reasons for many unsuccessful entrepreneurs today is a lack of trust. 

Infuse moral values

While addressing the issue of hyperactivity and aggression among today’s youth, it is crucial to infuse spiritual values, moral principles, and the ethics of compassion, friendliness, and love into our education system. We must recognize that the path to peace and harmony lies in nurturing these qualities within our youth.

Foster a balanced personality

Observe how your children interact with people of different ages - elders, youngsters, and their equals. This observation can help you understand if they are developing any complex. Help your children develop a personality that is
centered, talented and flexible. Create an interaction opportunity with all age groups by giving them responsibilities towards these different age groups.

Balance positivity and realism

When a child comes with complaints, do you encourage their negativity or mould it into positivity? When your child praises one who is not so praiseworthy, do you point out their flaws or let them be swayed by their false notions? In both cases, you have to balance them to a central line. 

Promote friendliness 

Don't try to please or displease teenagers. Be their friend, not an authoritative figure. Make them feel at home, inspire them spiritually, and have patience.

Set clear boundaries

While it's important to nurture and support your child's development, it's equally important to establish rules and expectations for their behavior. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar emphasizes the importance of being firm but loving when enforcing these boundaries, and of using positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior.

Balance development of interests

You need to intertwine the activities of the left brain and the right brain, combining science and arts. The symbols in the depiction of Devi Saraswati, the goddess of learning, represent this balance with a book for the left brain, a musical instrument for the right brain, and meditation. It is important to ensure that children learn music, practice yoga and meditation, and also develop a scientific mindset. If they are more inclined towards one, encourage them to explore the other. For instance, if your child loves science, encourage them to also explore art by visiting museums or trying creative projects at home.

Encourage social service

Make your children take up some service activities. On a Sunday, take your children, give them some chocolates, and ask them to distribute them to the poorest kids. Encourage them to engage in social service at least once or twice a year. This experience will unknowingly enhance their personality.

Be sensitive - Practice what you preach

Be an example to your kids. Telling children not to lie, but instructing them to lie to guests by saying you're not at home won't teach them honesty. It may confuse children or even lead to manipulative behavior.

In Conclusion

In addition to these positive parenting principles, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's video "Parenting the Angels" has other valuable insights and positive parenting tips that can help you become a better parent. Gurudev also discusses the importance of maintaining a positive attitude, practicing meditation, and cultivating a sense of gratitude in both you and your child.

You may also read the book Know Your Child: The Art of Raising Children by Gurudev to get an all-round view of raising healthy children.

Parents and children have their unique strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, the parent-child relationship does not have standard rules. The same rules might lead to different results. But, the guiding force or the principles behind those rules will be similar.

Join the Art of Living’s Know Your Teen workshop and gain valuable insights to understand your teen better, just like many parents have already benefited. 

Akanksha says, “The Know Your Teen workshop was a real eye-opener for me. You have not left any questions unanswered. I have registered my husband for it too. Actually, if both parents do it together, they will be on the same pitch.”

Learn more!

The Art of Living’s Children and Teens Programs imbibes your child with life skills. These are specially designed online meditation & breath programs for your children & teens. Find a program as per their age. 

Utkarsha Yoga 8+ up to 13 years

Medha Yoga 13+ up to 18 years

Intuition Process 5+ up to 18 years


Written by: Pratibha Sharma


Art of Living
Children & Teens Programs

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