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  1. How meditation helped me as a parent

      Whenever I became angry, my 4-year-old son would always comment that I looked like a rakshas (demon) 👿. This was so until I attended my first meditation program in Rishikesh. Then I became a regular meditation practitioner. One day, in a playful mood, ...
  2. Why emotion coaching matters for children!

    Children rebelling against routine homework is a regular event in many homes. Some well-meaning parents will give in to the social expectations and simply shut down their children, or their responses. Some others will draw comparisons with Sharma Ji’s (ne ...
  3. Top 3 reasons why kids need yoga as much as we do!

    According to a survey report, 37% of yoga practitioners around the world have claimed that their children enjoy yoga as much as they do! Some selective cool yoga poses do wonders for kids. However, just as we need trained supervision, our children also ne ...
  4. Top 10 go-to yoga poses for kids

    According to studies, kids who practice yoga regularly have stable mental health and better immunity. Nowadays, being a kid is hard. Gone are those carefree days of the 80's and 90’s. Negative peer pressure and unhealthy parental expectations can bri ...
  5. Top 7 tips to avoid common mistakes good parents make!

    Sometimes, parenting mistakes occur because parents depend upon their instincts to overcome challenges they face in raising their children. What they need is just a little help with parenting challenges! Get top 7 tips to avoid some of the parenting mista ...
  6. Tips to make your kids more independent

    With independence comes responsibility. As your tiny tot grows, you struggle to leave one tiny finger and let it become more independent. The world out there is full of challenges from an adult’s perspective. Whereas for a child, who is still naive, the w ...
  7. Top 5 hacks for parenting in the age of screens!

    How often do we warn our children to stay away from strangers but are we that much vigilant when it comes to the content they watch or listen to on digital media? Harmful digital content is no less dangerous than hostile strangers. Our children are growin ...
  8. How can parents deal with sibling rivalry?

    Picture this: Your children team up together, make you a nice breakfast before you wake up, and clean the house too. And, it is not even your birthday. They bring the breakfast tray to your bed. You look at it lovingly and as you bite into your sandwich, ...
  9. Benefits of Meditation for Parenting Toddlers

    Parenting is a super challenging job. No leaves, no holidays. This 24*7-job is amazingly rewarding yet it has its own challenges! Parenting newborns and toddlers is harder than parenting grown-up children. Young children are totally dependent on their par ...
  10. 10 things you should avoid saying to your kids

    ‘Oh No!’ ‘NO’ ‘Nahi’ ‘Na’ ‘Don’t’ ‘I won't’.  If these familiar words are happening to you, in and around your home, and you go CRAZY😡, then read through this blog. You will notice that these words are not only spoken to kids when they are small but ...