
Top 10 go-to yoga
poses for kids

According to studies, kids who practice yoga regularly have stable mental health and better immunity. Nowadays, being a kid is hard. Gone are those carefree days of the 80's and 90’s. Negative peer pressure and unhealthy parental expectations can bring a child to the brink of mental sanity and physical stability. Yoga and meditation for kids can bring out the best in them. Here are the top 10 fun and easy yoga poses for kids:

Downward dog pose

The downward-facing dog pose or ‘Adho Mukha Svanasana’ is an amazing posture for strengthening limbs and chest muscles, and enhancing overall flexibility. It’s a fun, easy and dynamic pose for most of the kids. Those who practice surya namaskara are well aware of this flowing sequence. This yoga pose is particularly beneficial for the hamstrings, calf muscles and shoulders.  

Warrior I pose

The warrior I pose or ‘Virabhadrasana I’ is a strong standing yoga pose that drives in courage, focus and stability. It builds the strength of legs, core and back. Post consulting a doctor, kids with weak knees or lower back can practice the warrior I pose for better results.  

Camel pose

The camel pose or ‘Ustrasana’ strengthens the hamstrings, spinal extensors and glutes. Among all yoga poses, the camel pose is one of the deepest backbends. It is wonderful for the flow of breaths and the health of the heart. This yoga pose also helps to release strong emotions like fear or anger.  

Lord of the dance pose

The lord of the dance pose or ‘Natarajasana’ is a challenging act of balancing and back-bending. This pose traces its origin from the statues at  the world-famous Nataraja temple in Chidambaram. Nataraja is another name of Lord Shiva in his manifestation as the cosmic dancer. Natarajasana expands the front of the chest and the shoulders. It also strengthens the legs and ankles.

It needs lots of practice to master ‘Natarajasana’. Children can begin with the basic Dance pose, a flowing sequence of the Padma Sadhana.    

Cat pose

The cat pose or ‘Marjariasana’ warms up the spine, stretches out back muscles, refines visual skills, strengthens core muscles and supports writing skills. The cat pose is often alternated with its counter pose, the cow pose or ‘Bitilasana’. The cat pose is usually done at the beginning of yoga classes as it sets the stage for more complex yoga poses.     

Mouse pose

The mouse pose (‘Balasana’, ‘Shishuasana’, or child’s pose) is a fun calming pose. The deep pressure touch soothes the nervous system and helps a child to feel grounded. It also pulls the attention towards breath. This yoga pose is ideal for hyperactive kids.

Tree pose

The tree pose or ‘Vrikshasana’ is a balancing act in standing position. Tree pose stretches the sides, improves the balance, boosts concentration, increases the body-mind balance and strengthens the back and legs. Vrikshasana is a very popular yoga pose around the world. People often practice it in groups and gatherings like the International Yoga Day programs.    

Chair pose

The chair pose or ‘Utkatasana’ is also known as ‘fierce pose’. It brings an immediate rush of energy and strength. Children can practice it during mid-day breaks too as a focusing activity. Chair pose gives super strong legs and a core. It does wonders to the pumping capacity of the heart. Chair pose also stretches the backs of ankles.  

Triangle pose

The triangle pose (‘Trikonasana’ or ‘Utthita Trikonasana’) is a stress-buster and strengthening yoga pose, beneficial for both beginners and advanced practitioners. It increases the stability of mind and body. It activates the core muscles, unlocks the hip and shoulder joints and reduces the stiffness of the spine and back. Trikonasana releases the tension of the lower back that carries stress. Thus, it helps reduce worry and anxiety.   

Happy baby pose

The happy baby pose or ‘Ananda Balasana’ gives the feel of a lovely back massage, opens up the hips, reduces lower back pain, lowers the heart rate, stretches the hamstring, soothes the strained muscles and offers a calming effect. To master the happy baby pose is not a child’s play. Regular practice under proper guidance will help your child attain perfection.      

You can raise the excitement bar by setting goals for your child like ‘Improve the postures in a week!’ etc. In this way, the activities will also become more meaningful.

Encourage your child to practice yoga. Kids need yoga as much as we do



Q1: How long should children hold a yoga pose?

There is no upper limit for children to hold a yoga pose. They should do it at their own pace and gradually increase the time. Everything depends on the age and capacity of the child.

Q2: How many poses should a child do in one session?

There are 50+ yoga poses for kids. Nobody should practice them all at a time. Go through the benefits of each yoga pose and select a handful of those that suit the requirements of your child. Include them in one session.   

Q3: How can I encourage my child to take up yoga?

Add fun and excitement to each yoga session. For example, participate in their yoga sessions and be a mouse with them (while doing the mouse pose). Give a flight to your imagination. Tell them that you all are sleeping mice, each in their own house. Squeak like a mouse while waking up from the pose.  






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