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  1. What gave strength to real life Chhapaak girl Lakshmi Agarwal

    If life is anything for Laxmi Agarwal, the acid attack survivor, then it is a projection of courage, determination, grit, and faith. Courage is an essential virtue that gets us through the challenges of life. But what happens when unfortunate, unexpected ...
  2. 20 simple things to do in 2022 for a better life

    Is this the New Year where you plan to make your life better like never before? Ever imagined that you grow as a person and nurture the human values and talents in you so as to live a more enriched life? If yes, then with the pointers below, it is going t ...
  3. What is the best time to quit your job?

    That’s it. I’ve just had enough of this. I can’t take it anymore in this nightmare workplace. Today’s my last day; I’m just going to quit.  Have you been having this conversation in your head of late? If you have, you must naturally be weighing your optio ...
  4. How to remain centered in an unjust world

    What’s your reaction to these events? A person starving at one end of the world, while another makes garlands of currency notes for a party  A beauty queen winning a competition on the front page of the newspaper while news of miners dying from a cave-in ...
  5. How to free yourself from negative bias in your office?

    On a lazy rainy Sunday afternoon, my mind was unable to enjoy the much-cherished weekend break that most yearn throughout the week. My mind was idle and so with nothing to do, it was constantly going over and over my boss’ feedback on a project. Somehow, ...
  6. To be or not to be in the present

    "Few of us ever live in the present. We are forever anticipating what is to come or remembering what has gone.”- Louis L’Amour, an American novelist Our mind has the soul of a gyspy. Often, it wanders trying to find something from the past to ponder ...
  7. How to be innovative amidst a (sometimes) mundane work-life

    What do you think when you see an apple? Yummy? A healthy snack that keeps the doctor away?  Or perhaps, just a fruit, nothing more, nothing less. When Isaac Newton saw an apple (falling), he discovered gravity. How would you feel if you got fired? Down i ...
  8. How to get rid of your resistance which can wreak havoc on your life?

    After a long weekend of self-indulging in food, sleep and reading I woke up feeling grouchy on a Monday morning. The unmade cosy bed allured and called my soul more than the expensive gym as the receding weekend euphoria still hungover over my head. Even ...
  9. Steps to find your sense of purpose at work

    He officially became an octogenarian that day- his birthday. – Sitting on his porch, sipping a cup of tea, he looked at the bright sun and felt the pleasant morning breeze. He was a fine, healthy man, high in spirits, cheerful and joyous. He had been thro ...
  10. Why complaining is ruining your happiness

    Simple steps to avoid complaining Happiness is a habit. You must have heard the phrase a million times. We have all been advised to be grateful for life’s blessings. Instead, most of us love to complain about its shortcomings! Somehow, we think we feel ha ...