What Sri Sri said today archive

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  1. A disciple should be hollow and empty

    Video   Gurudev, you have travelled the whole world. Wherever you go, you spread the message of peace. What do you feel about the bitterness and unrest among people everywhere? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: A family is formed by a person. A society is formed by fa ...
  2. Remember that you are innocent in the present moment

    When we are on the path of knowledge, how do we define the limits of fulfillment? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Wherever the mind can go, that is its jurisdiction. When a desire gets fulfilled, the mind goes away from it. For example, if you want an umbrella, that ...
  3. Every beautiful thing should remind you of the divinity

    Gurudev, this earthly existence is but a dream. Then how will performing meditation, sadhana and satsang in a dream facilitate the process of awakening from this dream? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You are sleeping and in your dream a snake comes and bites you an ...
  4. When you let go the best will come to you

    In order to bring change in the system it is said you should get into the system. But when we are in the system we are in a position where we don’t want to upset the people who are working with us, then how do we bring change? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: For tha ...
  5. There is some element within us that does not perish

    Mahasatsang with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar at Delhi   Life is eternal; we never give a thought to this truth. When someone dies we declare that the person is immortal, but the truth is we ourselves are immortal. That is why we do not feel that we have grown old ...
  6. Once you are on this path know that you are purified!

    Mahasatsang with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar at Chandigarh Is all your work getting done? This is what grace is! Whoever comes on this path grace is always in abundance. Instead of bringing flowers for me, you blossom as a flower. There should always be a smile o ...
  7. May everyone's tears become sweet tears of love!

    Mahasatsang with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar at Orrisa Satsang means the uniting of hearts with hearts, communicating through the heart. All these formalities are only on the surface but your meeting with your Self is satsang. This year the Art of Living has comp ...
  8. Acceptance brings calmness in the mind

    When should we listen to the head and when should we listen to the heart? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: While doing business listen to the head. To lead life, listen to the heart. Basavanna (a great Kannada poet who lived a few centuries ago) has said, ’Compassion ...
  9. If the eyes are steady in one place, it is impossible for the mind to wander

    Guruji with the help of Sudarshan Kriya and meditation I am able to be centered. But whenever I am not centered I get into anxiety and depression. How can I come out of this? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You are going into depression because you want too much, to ...
  10. Love cannot ascertain authority

    Dear Guruji, for the sake of love are we to sacrifice everything including our identity, morals, etc? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Vivek (discrimination) is essential here. Love is not an emotional thing. Sometimes people think I am so devoted I should get this p ...