What Sri Sri said today archive

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  1. God resides in hearts that are full of devotion

    Mahasatsang at Madanpur, Bihar You (referring to Naxalites) are not having a party there in the forest. You empathize with the poor and feel for them. We are all with you but don’t resort to violence. Leave the gun, come forward. We will vote for you and b ...
  2. God exists; He loves you a lot and He is in you.

    Mahasatsang at Bhodgaya, Bihar Life is priceless. It is a gift from God. If we don’t care for it, we remain unhappy. When we care for it, we start receiving what we desire. I have come here to remind you one thing, do you know what? No, that is why I have ...
  3. People say that they are unable to see God but I say I can see nothing but God

    Mahasatsang at Dhule, Maharashtra What is the difference between paddy and flattened rice (poha)? Paddy is stiff and dry, whereas flattened rice is white, light and edible. What is the difference between rice and puffed rice (mudi)? Rice is stiff. It canno ...
  4. Our lives should be rhythmic and harmonious

    Mahasatsang at Solapur, Maharashtra What a beautiful atmosphere to behold, isn’t it! Taal Ninaad! The relationship that the Art of Living enjoys with Solapur is very old. Thirty years back, when I first thought of starting The Art of Living organization, I ...
  5. Knowledge removes the darkness of ignorance in life

    True education I believe is that by which the individual is strengthened and can be away from sorrow. If someone criticizes, one can listen to the criticism boldly, and when one has to offer criticism or comment, one can give them with patience and confide ...
  6. We are like a sesame seed with respect to this Universe

    Mahasatsang at Pune There is something about Makar Sankranti, Pune and me. Every year you do something around this time, and draw me here. So I will say again, 'Til gud gya, ani gode gode bola.' Today it occurred to me that the sesame seed is black on the ...
  7. This nation is indebted to the Sanyasis of Ramakrishna Mission

    Aum Namah Pranavarthaya Shuddha Gnana Eka Amurtaye Nirmalaya Prashantaya Sri Dakshinamurtaye Namah. Beautifully carved statues on the dais, and beautifully carved statues in the audience. The way you are sitting like a statue with rapt attention itself ind ...
  8. Longing itself is God

    Satsang means to stay with the truth. That is known as Sadhana also. What is satsang? In our life what is the truth at this present time - this needs to be observed. What is the truth? Truth is ‘I am’. The body exists and the breath is moving. Observe your ...
  9. I don't need to catch you because you all belong to me

    The very meaning of Kailash is where there is only celebration, only joy, nothing else besides it. In the same way, Vaikunth is where Narayana resides, means a place where there is no lack of anything. Everything is in abundance, and there is all prosperit ...
  10. Intuition means that which simply comes up beyond reason

    Dear Guruji, I find it difficult to be natural with everyone. You have said we are closer to the Divine when we are natural. How can I be natural? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: What makes you unnatural is the fear that somebody may criticize you. Someone may think ...