What Sri Sri said today archive

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  1. For knowledge to transform into experience you have to meditate

    If there is water available but no one is thirsty, who would drink water? Isn’t it? Similarly, the questions ‘Who am I?’ ‘What do I want?’ should first dawn in our minds. What does everyone want? Everyone wants to be peaceful, happy and contented. Who does ...
  2. Spirituality is retaining a child-like nature even after growing up

    Mahasatsang at Banaswadi, Bangalore Do you know what satsang means? Satsang means being natural, informal and simple. Your smile is sufficient for me. There is no need to burst crackers for me. I just want you to be happy and natural. In a group of ten chi ...
  3. Every life has a purpose

    Isn’t this bhajan so wonderful (referring to a verse by Basavanna, a 12th century philosopher from Karnataka)? It says that the body, mind and possessions belong to the Divine. Where is the need for worry? The sign of a devotee is one who doesn’t worry abo ...
  4. Almighty never denies you self-realization

    Gurudev, the season is changing once again. Can you please tell us the importance of ‘Ahar Vihar’, food and lifestyle to be maintained with every season. How does it impact us? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Ancient people have done a lot of research on that. Also ...
  5. Deep meditation is like being nothing and being nobody

    As a mother, how can I make my children more creative and less of information junkies? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: More human interaction. Allow the children to play with more kids. Get them to do some service activities. Make them do some work and make them mix ...
  6. The intelligent spend their time in fun, music and literature

    Book Launch: 2012-The Real Story by D. K. Hari & D. K. Hema Hari There is a lot of scientific data, very good data in this book. I think everyone should have this book and the youngsters, the youth should read it. There are a lot of pictures and it is ...
  7. Meditation is moving from sound to silence

    Satsang commenced with a beautiful Piano performance by artist Ingrid, on the occasion of the International Women's Conference 2012 Meditation is moving from sound to silence. What can we do when the piano is being played? We can just close our eyes, relax ...
  8. Anything that uplifts your spirit is spirituality

    Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s Inaugural Address at the International Women’s Conference 2012: Wow! Surrounded by powerful women on the stage and in the audience! It is very difficult to speak. It is said that it is wise to keep quiet when women are in pow ...
  9. When we violate the laws of nature then we suffer

    What is the significance of Arghya (offering water to the sun)? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Water is symbol of love. In fact, in Sanskrit, it is synonymous to love. ‘Apa’ means water and it also means love. That is why, someone very close to you, what do you cal ...
  10. Give me your troubles, live with a smile and engage yourself in seva, sadhana and satsang

    Mahasatsang at Patna, Bihar The only purpose of my coming here is to tell you that the Divine exists and loves you very dearly. There is a couplet in Hindi: “Jo ichcha kariho manu maahi, prabhu prataap kachhu durlabh naahin”, which means that “With God’s g ...