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  1. Benefits of Meditation

      What is meditation? Meditation is relaxation. It is not about concentration, it’s actually about de-concentration. It’s not about focussing one’s thoughts on one thing, but instead on becoming thoughtless. What are the benefits of meditation? A calm min ...
  2. Morning Meditation – The Best Part of Waking Up

    It is said that the best time for meditation is in the morning, just after one wakes up. While meditation can be helpful at any time of the day, it is particularly powerful in the morning, because our nervous system= is already primed for the day. As the ...
  3. The Science of Being a Happy You

    #SudarshanKriya for a Happier, Healthier You You can combine your meditation with the Sudarshan Kriya, taught in The Art of Living’s Happiness Program. Studies show that prolactin- the happiness hormone- significantly increases from the very first session ...
  4. Better Employment of Body Mind & Spirit Makes a Better workforce!

    The pressures at work can be endless. From meeting deadlines, dealing with clients and difficult colleagues, to overtime issues, pressure to perform as well as making the most of one’s skills, talents, experience. How can you stand out from the crowd and ...
  5. I Meditate Africa: Spirit of Volunteerism

    “We come to realize that the true measure of our lives is not how much we have gained for ourselves, but how much we have given." – Gurudev.  This is most likely the reason to why in this fast paced word, despite busy schdules, more and more young an ...
  6. Running After A Thing Called the Mind: A Meditator’s Guide

    Everthing’s perfect. The room is quiet, devices are on silent mood and you’re easing into the lotus posture, ready to get into the world of meditation. A dim memory of a bill payment looms up, out of nowhere. Was it due today? No wait, it’s not until four ...
  7. Advanced Meditation Course

    Holiday with Meditation Rest and happiness make a real holiday. Often people go on a holiday and they come back tired and tanned, and needing a few more days to recuperate! A real holiday is that which energizes and does not wear you out. Remember, nothin ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More