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  1. 5 simple rules to correct your meditation practice

      Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says, “Meditation is an art of doing nothing and letting go.” Only when one is effortless and the mind is relaxed can it let go of worries and impressions. Meditation is a personal journey that is necessary for a peaceful an ...
  2. Popular, smart, talented: Recipe for a perfect college life

    I was sitting in the Café next to my old college, sipping cappucino, when my attention was drawn to an intense conversation between two young girls I recognized as my juniors. Anisha: You have a dance competition coming up, so instead of practicing togeth ...
  3. Meditation for a Travel Bug

    There are two kinds of people in this world. One, for whom traveling is a passion and a lot of fun. Exploring new places, tasting different foods, discovering new cultures – they are simply smitten by the travel bug! And then there’s another category of p ...
  4. Power of Meditation

    Ever thought meditation could be as enjoyable as slurping an ice cream cone or feeling the cool breeze on your face? Well, that’s the power of meditation – it sensitizes you to every little thing around you, creating a heightened awareness and a deeper ca ...
  5. Meditation is not difficult

    “Meditate? Who, me?” A common reaction by many who feel that meditation is the most difficult thing to do. When we are so used to doing some activity all the time then sitting with our eyes closed for even 10 minutes and doing nothing sounds absurd. Let u ...
  6. Meditation is not serious, seriously!

    “You’re not serious about this, are you?” The look, tone and expression on Divya’s face conveyed a singular message: “You’ve got to be kidding me.” Frustrated at not having a single moment to relax, Divya expected sympathy and understanding – not some out ...
  7. Did you know you could meditate here?

    Three most unusual situations where you can never think one could meditate! Caught up in a life-threatening situation under water or a war between two tribes – what would be the first thought on your mind if you happen to be confronted with any of these c ...
  8. How to enjoy the ‘same old stuff’?

    Tired of multi-tasking? Or utterly confused between having tea or coffee? Some simple everyday situations in each of our lives which turn out to be ‘not so simple’ sometimes. Meditate and feel better! Have you experienced this? Shopping in a supermarket, ...
  9. Meditation and Chanting: Timeless technology of ancient seers

    Om namahshivaya, omnamahshivaya- I could not but stop for a few moments listening to the soothing chants coming from a nearby temple. At that moment, my mind was clouded with a lot of disturbing thoughts. Completely mesmerized by the effect of the chants, ...
  10. Make Your Valentine’s Day Rocking

    “Should I buy her a precious ring or just settle in for flowers this time?” “Oh, I hope he likes this perfume or shall I buy him a music CD or perhaps plan a surprise for him?” Too many plans, too many thoughts in the head. But what to do? it’s Valentine’ ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More