
Search results

  1. Meditation: The Taste of True Freedom

    Every human being wants to be free. But when the mind gets caught up in a never-ending list of day-to-day activities, it seems like the search is forgotten. But meditation allows you to come back to your true nature. On a spiritual quest, freedom, meditat ...
  2. Experiences of True Beauty

    This is continued from previous article on 11 ways for a glowing skin Below are the experiences of people who found the secret to their beautiful skin in yoga, meditation, Sudarshan Kriya and Ayurveda. “Through meditation, you can reach a place inside you ...
  3. Meditation for Parenting Toddlers: Unfolding Secrets

    I cannot stop admiring her as she takes baby steps in an effort to walk independently. It seems that in no time, she has turned 16 months old. My beautiful yet adventurous journey of parenting has allowed me to capture these moments of a lifetime. At the ...
  4. Mindfulness with Meditation: Be a Witness to Life

    Have we noticed how deeply engrossed we can be in an interesting movie? We identify ourselves with the characters on screen to the extent that we get angry at their follies and cry at their losses! We enjoy the movie thoroughly, yet there is an awareness ...
  5. Meditation – A Free Fall into Yourself

    Shreya Chugh, an Art of Living teacher for youth courses and an avid adventure sports enthusiast, shares with Eben Felix her love for the sport and how meditation has helped enhance the thrill for her passion. Standing high on a rock…high enough to smell ...
  6. Have You Made These New Year Resolutions?

    It’s December again … New Year is round the corner … time again to make some promises to ourselves … you stare at the blank paper … gradually jotting down your resolutions one by one … but what’s the next thought? “I hope I am able to keep up to these res ...
  7. 2013: A New Beginning

    Yet another year gone by and as we stand at the verge of the new one, let’s reflect upon the time that passed and promise ourselves a fresh start. Let us make a resolution this new year to live happy, stay healthy and spread the message of love and peace. ...
  8. Flavors of Meditation

    It could be licking your favorite ice cream on a hot Sunday afternoon or watching the sunset on a white sand beach. Your meditation experience can be compared to anything, absolutely anything random on this planet! We spoke to a few meditators who drew so ...
  9. Inspired To Be Evergreen Like A Xmas Tree? Meditate!

    The sound of tinkling bells from the nearby Church … the melodious chorus of Christmas carols … family get-togethers and feasts … surprise for little kids by Santa … Isn’t Christmas the most exciting time of the year? With the whole spirit of celebration, ...
  10. Tenali Raman Stories and Secrets of Marriage

    What is it that comes to your mind when you hear the word ‘marriage’? Two people, whose hearts and minds are united, who care for each other and who share a sacred bond nourished by love, companionship and faith, isn’t it? However, have you seen sometimes ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More