Wisdom Search

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  1. I am scared of commitment. How do I get over that?

    If someone tells you, "I will take you to a movie tomorrow", and you wait for them at the movie theater and they don't show up, how would you feel. Just put yourself in the receiver’s chair, and then you will see how important it is to be committed. A co ...
  2. Why do relationships take away our freedom?

    If there is wisdom in relationships, it does not take away freedom. If there is no wisdom, then there is no freedom. It is not the relationship that gives or takes away your freedom, it is lack of wisdom. ...
  3. Why are we losing our freedom and lightness as soon as a relationship goes deeper?

    You don’t need to. A relationship should come from a space of contributing, not demanding, then it will be nurturing. In every relationship, if we think, “What can I take from this person, or get from this person” then it’s going to be very disturbing. But ...
  4. I am not sure if I am with the right partner. I am getting bored in the relationship. What do I do?

    See, if your relationship is based on personal need, it may not last long. Once the need is fulfilled, on a physical level or on an emotional level, the mind will look for something else and go somewhere else. If your relationship is from the level of shar ...
  5. How to be in a relationship without depending on the other, and without feeling possessive?

    Know that love is your nature and relax. By your very nature you are loving. Give the person whom you love their freedom, their space. When you love somebody, you almost want to suffocate them. You want to police them from morning till night. It may sound ...
  6. How do I satisfy my loved ones that are very demanding? I feel like I have no freedom.

    Sometimes, it is okay to be little insensitive. When the demands are not justified or not logical, you do not have to feel obliged by those demands, but you don't have to get upset either. Suppose you are not a doctor and someone is demanding, "Give me m ...
  7. How to keep on loving without expecting. How is it possible? In love expectations arise, and if not fulfilled, it hurts.

    Yes, you will have to go through these gymnastics. If you have wisdom, you don’t have to go through the pain to learn. When there is lack of wisdom, you go through pain, but you will come out of it in sometime, don’t worry. This is why it is important for ...
  8. 5 Tips to Get Past the Blame Game

    When you get angry or you blame somebody, you feel a heavy load on your head. You feel uncomfortable inside, and you spread unpleasant feelings all around you too. Blaming does not give you anything positive in return. Instead, owning responsibility for a ...
  9. 6 Ways to Make Your Relationships Stronger

    The Key To Make Perfect Relationships If you know how to row a boat, you can row any boat. But if you don’t know how to row, changing boats isn’t going to help. Similarly, changing a relationship does not necessarily solve the issue. Sooner or later, you ...
  10. How To Be A Good Parent

    A Sacred Responsibility When it comes to children, parenting is a sacred responsibility. Our responsibility is not just providing food, shelter, and education. We are also responsible to ensure their mental outlook, emotions, intellect, thought processes, ...