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  1. Designing Beautiful Lives

    An artist by profession, Poonam Tandon worked for a short while in a visual media company as a user interface designer. But she found more satisfaction and fulfillment in designing people’s lives beautiful by teaching them meditation. And this is exactly ...
  2. Tenali Raman Stories on Secrets of Happiness

    Tenali Ramakrishna, fondly remembered as Tenali Raman, was a 16th-century court poet at the Vijayanagara Empire in India. He hailed from a town called Tenali. He is remembered even today for his extraordinary wit, brilliance and wisdom. What is it that we ...
  3. Inspired To Be Evergreen Like A Xmas Tree? Meditate!

    The sound of tinkling bells from the nearby Church … the melodious chorus of Christmas carols … family get-togethers and feasts … surprise for little kids by Santa … Isn’t Christmas the most exciting time of the year? With the whole spirit of celebration, ...
  4. Meditation: Opening Knots in People’s Hearts

    Kamal Ajay Khimji’s radiant smile touches everyone’s life. She believes in kindling love and joy in people’s hearts by teaching them meditation. Having taught the Meditation practice to people in Pakistan and several others from different walks of life, t ...
  5. The Secret to Never-Ending Joy: A Conversation with Sarah Yost

    Updated on: March 31, 2022 Whether it’s April Fools Day or any day, you can increase your joy through meditation and playful pranks. Read to be inspired! A perfect blend of mischief and wisdom, Sarah Yost says that she is the happiest person she knows! A ...
  6. Meditation – A Free Fall into Yourself

    Shreya Chugh, an Art of Living teacher for youth courses and an avid adventure sports enthusiast, shares with Eben Felix her love for the sport and how meditation has helped enhance the thrill for her passion. Standing high on a rock…high enough to smell ...
  7. Have You Made These New Year Resolutions?

    It’s December again … New Year is round the corner … time again to make some promises to ourselves … you stare at the blank paper … gradually jotting down your resolutions one by one … but what’s the next thought? “I hope I am able to keep up to these res ...
  8. Flavors of Meditation

    It could be licking your favorite ice cream on a hot Sunday afternoon or watching the sunset on a white sand beach. Your meditation experience can be compared to anything, absolutely anything random on this planet! We spoke to a few meditators who drew so ...
  9. Just do it with Meditation

    A content writer by profession, my productivity was defined as the number of stories I wrote in a week and the quality of those write-ups. I felt I was doing a decent job, meeting my target of three stories a week. Amidst my ‘content’ routine, I found mys ...
  10. Good Morning, Sunshine!

    Suprabhatam. I am a morning person. I wake up just before sunrise, eyes wide open. I greet the day, thank the Divine for getting me out of the night slumber. And the day begins. Being healthy is so important to our existence. Yet we disregard the simple t ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More