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  1. How to Stop Worrying: Meditation and Breathwork Can Help!

    Do you ever feel like you spend way too much time worrying? Do you find your sense of wellbeing suddenly overwhelmed by a flood of anxious thoughts? Or maybe you experience chronic worry and negative thinking all the time, and feel like there is no way ou ...
  2. 13 Sleep Hygiene Tips To Sleep Soundly All Night

    Sleep is an important source of energy for the body and mind, offering our systems the rest and rejuvenation we need for long-term health. Have you noticed that when you are sleep-deprived you feel grouchy, irritable, and (let’s be honest) a bit crazy? Th ...
  3. Meditation for A Healthy Body Image: How You Can Start

    It's no exaggeration to say that a lot of people struggle with body image issues and have negative thoughts about their own bodies. In fact, in a 2018 study, it was found that 2 in 5 Americans feel body dissatisfaction every time they look in the mir ...
  4. Meditation for Grief: Breathe In Love, Breathe Out Grief

    Grief impacts each of us in different ways and for different amounts of time, with symptoms ranging from sadness and insomnia to deep depression. The causes of grief are as varied as life itself.  It can be triggered by the death of a loved one, moving to ...
  5. Sleep Music To Help You Fall Asleep Like A Baby! Try Tonight

    The quality of your sleep impacts everything from your hormones to your emotions to your energy levels. So having a deep sleep every night is incredibly important for your overall sense of well-being. Sleep and relaxation offer you the chance to reset and ...
  6. A Beginner’s Guide to Daily Meditation | The Art of Living

    Daily meditation — the practice of staying in the present moment and being mindful for a set period of time — has numerous health benefits. Still, few people set aside the time to meditate because they don’t feel like it or don’t know how to get started.  ...
  7. The Last Meditation for Anxiety You’ll Ever Need

    Which comes first? Stress or anxiety? Without stress, anxiety doesn’t have a chance to take hold of you. And without intervention anxiety will keep adding stress to your life and stress will continue to feed anxiety.  How do we break this vicious cycle of ...
  8. How to Fall Back to Sleep and Feel Rested In the Morning

    Do you have trouble falling asleep? Or perhaps you go to bed early and do fall asleep —no problem—but have trouble sleeping soundly? The good news is there are solutions to help you optimize your sleep cycle and overcome disrupted sleep.  What’s causing y ...
  9. Learn the Art of Mindful Eating for a Happier Mind and Body

    Multi-tasking and juggling work, home life, and everything in between have become a monumental challenge for many of us. Add the holidays or traveling and you can pretty much throw out the idea of being mindful —especially when it comes to our eating habi ...
  10. An Easy 5-Minute Meditation for Acceptance and Peace of Mind

    High on stress but pressed for time and feeling overwhelmed? Wondering how you’re going to get it all done? Wishing you could just sit and relax? We hear you. Try this 5-minute meditation themed around acceptance and experience calm, now! 5-minute meditat ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More