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  1. From One ‘WHY’ to Another ‘WHY’

    Vandna Aadesh, Art of Living Teacher Why do ‘I’ need meditation? I am happy! Satisfied with my life, everything is going good, so what is the need to meditate? I used to ask myself. But who knew I would still end up on an Art of Living ...
  2. Science, Creativity & Meditation

    Science and meditation  : in between is creativity. Science says, what is this? And meditation is knowing, who am I. The subjective knowledge about one's self is meditation and the objective knowledge and objective analysis is science. They are not c ...
  3. The Correct Posture to Meditate

    This is continued from the previous Secrets of Meditation post … Sometimes people sit with their bodies stiff for meditation. That effort and stiffness doesn’t really bring in that meditative quality but may bring about some anger in them. If you have med ...
  4. Ways we can meditate

    This is continued from the previous Secrets of Meditation post … It is like you go to a grocery shop when you want to fill gas in your car. It won’t work. You keep going round and round the grocery store saying, ‘I want gas for my car.’ It won’t work beca ...
  5. Secrets of Meditation: Meditation is food for the soul

    How do we prepare ourselves for meditation? By feeling at home, by being natural! If you are very formal, you can’t meditate. Meditation requires you to be informal and feel at home. Today we will explore 'Why do we need to meditate?’, ‘How can we me ...
  6. Meditation for women: Take a break housewives!

    Om Shanti to Home Shanti 6 am – time to wake up; 7 am – getting kid ready for school; 8 am – making breakfast; 10 am – finishing household chores; 12 noon – making lunch... Does this routine sound more or less familiar? It might to many of us housewives f ...
  7. An internal Makeover through Meditation

    Ami Patel, Celebrity fashion stylist and Fashion Director L’Officiel India As a fashion stylist, for over a decade, I am used to transforming people to make them look their best. However, I believe that just this alone is not enough. My true calling is to ...
  8. Meditation makes you shine like a Pearl

    Dr Nisha Manikanthan, Doctor, Bangalore My life used to be so different. I used to be trapped in my emotions and thoughts, identify myself with them and often be driven by feelings. Once I started meditating, my mind became a lot calmer. Meditation opened ...
  9. A-Z Reasons to Meditate

    Today, if you want to be happy and peaceful, meditation is a necessity. Here are A-Z reasons why you should meditate as shared by meditators. A- Awareness Meditation is complete awareness. It can happen every moment but it has to start with eyes closed! V ...
  10. 7 FAQs on How to Improve Your Daily Meditation

    “I used to get agitated at little things around me,” shares 25-year-old Suneet. “Over time, I find myself becoming more patient. I don’t lose my temper as easily.” He attributes this change to regular meditation practice over a few months. “I still wonder ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More