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  1. Take A Break, Meditate!

    ‘Give me a break!’ screams the mind as we rush towards finishing a list of to-dos: work meetings, home responsibilities, ‘me’ time! There is constant roller coaster of emotions: joy, frustration and stress. Before you know it, there is the next set of res ...
  2. Meditation for Parenting Toddlers: Unfolding Secrets

    I cannot stop admiring her as she takes baby steps in an effort to walk independently. It seems that in no time, she has turned 16 months old. My beautiful yet adventurous journey of parenting has allowed me to capture these moments of a lifetime. At the ...
  3. Mindfulness with Meditation: Be a Witness to Life

    Have we noticed how deeply engrossed we can be in an interesting movie? We identify ourselves with the characters on screen to the extent that we get angry at their follies and cry at their losses! We enjoy the movie thoroughly, yet there is an awareness ...
  4. Flavors Of Happiness

    The first one is chocolate. Out of every 100 desires, probably 67 must be fulfilled by chocolate. However, it just leaves you wanting more. The happiness lasts only until the delicious texture of smooth cocoa lasts in your mouth. Happiness gained from ful ...
  5. Spilling Secrets From Granny's Happiness Kitty

    A scientist sitting a hundred miles away from you has discovered that your happiness graph is likely to be U shaped. We begin and end the race on a happy note, but might experience a trough while running the race of life. As kids, we have a pretty high ha ...
  6. Serving Insights From A Chef’s Platter

    Conventionally, cooking has been a woman's forte. However, as times are changing and societies evolving, men are increasingly taking to cooking not just as a means to survive in their bachelorhood but also as a "way to a woman's heart" ...
  7. 2013: A New Beginning

    Yet another year gone by and as we stand at the verge of the new one, let’s reflect upon the time that passed and promise ourselves a fresh start. Let us make a resolution this new year to live happy, stay healthy and spread the message of love and peace. ...
  8. Relation between Meditation, Sleep and Dreams

    Q – During meditation, my mind wanders a lot. When will it settle down? Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar – The mind does not wander. It is in search of more and more. This search for more will lead to the Supreme Self. One glimpse of the Self is enough to lea ...
  9. Meditation and Karma

    Q. You have said that meditation burns karma. How do we know that is happening? Gurudev: It just happens! It’s natural. You keep anything on fire, it gets heated up, and so meditation definitely erases the past impressions. You know one of our devotees ha ...
  10. 7 Delicious Secrets That Can Help Men Become Better Cooks (Part-2)

    This is continued from 7 Delicious Secrets That Can Help Men Become Better Cooks (Part-1) #4 From Following Patterns To Breaking Them Once you are clear with the basics of cooking, you can start experimenting with something new and out of the box and come ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More