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  1. Top 10 Tips To Beat Stress At Workplace (Part 2)

    Continued from Top 10 Tips to Beat Stress at the Workplace- 1 From self-management in the previous article, let us now move on to learn four interesting tips on work-management. Here they are… Way #5 Schedule Your Day Have you observed that sometimes, wit ...
  2. A Mother's Guide to Raising Fine Pre-teens-3

    T oday, television has become an addiction for kids. They watch television when they are eating, when they are studying, when they are put to sleep, and sometimes even in the morning before they leave for school. They are hooked to television like a spide ...
  3. A Mother's Guide to Raising Fine Pre-teens-5

    I s your kid overweight because he loves indulging in fatty, oily, and yummy food? Does his/her obesity concern you? Challenge #5 talks about dealing with kids who crave yummy food and are no-no to nutritious food. Find relief in meditation, nutritious fo ...
  4. Getting Fired? 5 Tips for Dealing with Job Loss

    By Elizabeth Herman | Posted: March 14, 2018 Anyone who has lost a job knows the uncertainty and worry that follow, which can feel almost unbearable. The loss of a job is often accompanied by feelings and thoughts of failure, insecurity, and incompetence. ...
  5. Meditation: An Antidote to Terrorism

    Communal tension and fundamentalism has produced a fertile breeding ground for terrorism in the world today. But Puja Handa has seen the transformation that meditation brings even in terrorists. She has taught meditation to an undercover terrorist who has ...
  6. Make Optimism Your Way of Life

    A YES in the mind is a YES for life! Discover the skills to see the brighter side of life in any situation. Warmth and coldness, happiness and sadness, success and failures – dualities coexist in life. The sign of optimism is the ability to sail through t ...
  7. Dance Your Way to Perfection- 3

    W hile treading the path of a graceful dancer, there may appear certain turning points that can take you to unimaginable heights, which you can notice only with keen observation. It is very important then that you keep yourself in a constant state of lear ...
  8. Dance Your Way to Perfection-2

    R evealing her second secret, Srividya talks about a gadget that helps her flavor her dance form with a taste of dynamism that comes only from inner peace and calmness. Read on to know how her iPod got everyone ‘synced’ in! Tip #1: What should I do when s ...
  9. Meditation beyond Religion

    Born and raised as a Catholic, Santiago Barrenechea has been meditating practically since he was 14 years old. Having realized how much meditation has benefited his own life, he has taken up the task of teaching meditation to people from different countri ...
  10. Would you like to be a better Person?

    “If I want to spread peace to Japan earthquake victims I am working with, I need to be peaceful myself, but how?” This question led her to learn meditation 15 years ago. And today she believes that her regular practice of meditation has made her a better ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More