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  1. Incense for Meditation: Benefits, Best Scents, and More

    Topics covered: Why use incense for meditation Frequently used types of incense for meditation Lavender Sandalwood Rosemary Jasmine Amber Best practices for using incense for meditation Practice in a well-ventilated room Avoid inhaling too much smoke Use ...
  2. What is Restless Sleep? 5 Methods for Managing With It

    Topics covered: What is restless sleep? What causes restless sleep? 5 Methods of managing restless sleep Create a sleep schedule Incorporate exercise Monitor caffeine intake Create a peaceful space Practice regular meditation Learn how to treat restless s ...
  3. What is Guided Imagery Meditation? | The Art of Living

    Topics covered: What is guided imagery meditation? How does guided imagery meditation work? The pros and cons of guided imagery meditation The pros Improved sleep quality Decreased pain perception Reduced symptoms of depression The cons Alternatives to gu ...
  4. 5 Sleep Hacks to Boost Your Sleep Quality

    Topics covered: The importance of quality sleep 5 Hacks to improve your sleep Add meditation to your routine Monitor caffeine consumption Incorporate daily exercise Create a calming environment Switch off blue light Enhance your nightly routine with The A ...
  5. Meditation Retreats Near Me: Find the Best with Our Guide Today

    So, you’re looking for a meditation retreat! Yay, you! Congratulations on taking the first step on your retreat journey! Now to find a retreat near where you live or work… Finding a retreat that is close by and meets your criteria checklist may seem like ...
  6. Beyond Mindfulness™: Unlock the Secret To a Happier Life Now

    With the ever-increasing stress of the modern world on our shoulders, more and more people are turning to wellness practices like yoga, meditation, and mindfulness. Most people have a general idea about what yoga and meditation are, but when it comes to m ...
  7. Meditation for Seniors: The Zen Time of Your Life Starts Now

    With such a wide variety of benefits, it’s no wonder that seniors are turning to meditation. Even doctors are recommending meditation for older adults. But if you’ve never tried meditation, or you tried unsuccessfully, you might feel a bit overwhelmed nav ...
  8. What is a Silent Retreat? Use This Simple Guide Before You Go

    When you think of a silent retreat, do you imagine struggling to keep silent, feeling bored, or possibly wanting to escape and get back to your regular routine? You’re not alone. A lot of people believe that they could never do a silent retreat, and so th ...
  9. Silent Retreat Near Me: Use Our Guide and FAQs To Get You Started

    Allow me to introduce myself, I am silent retreats’ #1 fan! 🙌🙌 In my 50 years of meditating, I have easily taken more than 100 meditation retreats (including 70 plus silent retreats). Some were weekend meditation retreats, and some a week or even longer ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More